Chapter 8

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"This must be paradise, Nani," Veda said. She leaned back against the beach chairs and lazily gazed over the beach. She couldn't believe her Nani had convinced her to wear a swimsuit. She couldn't believe Nani was wearing a swimsuit. They were dressed modestly compared to other people on the beach, so it didn't take long for Veda to relax. No one cared in France.

Nani looked over at her. Ayush was making sandcastles with other children. It was sweet. Ayush spoke very little French, but the other children accepted him with ease. They had a wine tasting in the evening, and she was looking forward to it.

Aditi was sleeping in her beach chair. Ayush was starting to wander off, and Veda got up to chase after him. She wrapped a sarong around her waist and tried to keep her eyes on him among all the beachgoers.

"Ayush, wait up!" she yelled.

Ayush was racing with the other kids towards some colorful target a few hundred yards off. Walking closer, she saw it was a person. She hadn't seen one person wear so many colors since...

It wasn't just Mamiji on the beach. Her Jeeji was there too, and Akashji. Her Jeeji looked happy, and for a second she was Khushi again. Her Jeeji was happy. In the end it all worked out well.

As soon as Payal saw her she ran towards her.

"Khushi!" Payal yelled, wrapping her arms around her.

"It's nice to see you, too, Jeeji," Veda answered, crying in happiness. "And it's Vedanshi now. Vedanshi Khushi Bharadwaj."

Akash and Mamiji caught up to them. Mamiji took one look at her and screamed. She was wearing a colorful muumuu accessorized with all the monogrammed Louis Vuitton merchandise she could weigh.

"Phati Saadi! In France!" Mami said. "Won the lottery?"

Veda smiled. Once the abrasive language and the insulting nickname would've hurt her. She certainly wasn't Phati Saadi anymore.

"Jeejaji, let's go to our cabana and talk," she said.

Payal paused at the entrance to the cabana. Sharda Nani didn't have any fondness for the Guptas.

"Monsieur," Veda called to the waiter. "Trois jus, s'il vous plait."

["Sir," Veda called to the waiter. "Three juices, please."]

"Khushi, you speak French?" Payal asked.

"Just a little, Jeeji. I'm learning," Veda replied with a smile. "And again, it's Vedanshi. Veda."

"Veda," Payal said, testing it out on her tongue. Sharda Nani walked in from the beach.

"Veda beta," Nani said. With obvious disdain in her voice she added, "your sister and her family are here."

"Namaste, Nani," Payal said.

Mami was looking around the cabana in shock. The waiter came around and handed them their juices before going back to make brunch.

"Namaste, beta," Nani said.

"Payaliya," Mami said. "What is going on here?"

Akash sighed. Payal wanted to tell his mother a long time ago. But if he told his mother there was a guarantee it wouldn't remain a secret. There was no avoiding it anymore.

"Ma, you should sit down," Akash said.


Mami didn't believe them at first. Then Aditi brought out a laptop and showed her proof. Shyam at Laxmi Nagar. Shyam, at a neighbor's wedding celebration with Khushi. He was still roaming around Laxmi Nagar asking about her. He was still stealing money from Anjali.

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