Chapter 21

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Aman barged into the hospital room early in the morning with clothes for Arnav. He stopped at the sight in front of him. The hospital bed was empty. He should've placed security outside the door, but the hospital assured him Arnav would be safe.

Arnav was the reason Aman had a receding hairline. If he started getting hurt and going missing, Aman could bid a quick goodbye to what was left of his hair forever. The stress was killing him.

He dropped the bag of clothes and let the hospital door close behind him with a bang.

"What the-?"

He walked past the hospital bed, to see a mattress on the floor with two confused faces looking up at him. Arnav was still in his hospital pajamas, his hand loosely around Veda's waist. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked down at Arnav's arm.

The next few seconds were filled with a flash of movement. At the end of it, Veda was standing a few feet away from the mattress while Arnav held his hand in pain and struggled to not make noise.

"The doctors said you could go home," Aman said. "But maybe we should get your hand checked first."


His hand was fine. Veda almost regretted not using more force. Aman drove Arnav's car home. They both sat in the back seat, with her steadily trying to ignore him and Arnav and him trying to get her attention.

"Babe," Arnav said. Aman nearly crashed into a passing car. ASR never used endearments. He hadn't done that even for Lavanya. He checked the rearview mirror and saw Arnav looking at Veda fondly, his hand slowly reaching out to hers.

Veda slapped his hand away, and he cradled the hand, now hurt twice, close to his chest.

Puppy Aunty and the Jeet auntie from the other apartment were sitting in the corridor and gossiping when they came up the stairs.

Police officers were outside Arnav's home, and yellow tape was plastered across his closed front door.

Arnav started to unlock his door, but was stopped by one of the lady constables.

"Sir, no one can enter."

"This is my house," Arnav told her. An inspector came out of the house with a couple of forensic staff dressed in blue full body suits.

"Sir, we're still conducting the investigation. Your assistant told us you wanted it to be quite thorough. The whole house is being dusted for fingerprints, and we don't want to disturb the crime scene. It might take three to four days."

"Three or four days?"

"I've arranged for you to stay at a hotel, sir."

"I have some files and things in there," Arnav said.

"The forensic people are done with the bedroom, so you can go in briefly and grab whatever you need," the inspector told him.

Arnav was given coverings for his shoes and went into the apartment, emerging ten minutes later with a duffel bag of clothes and his laptop bag. Veda noticed his shaking hands, and took the duffel bag from him. She must have hurt his hand much harder than she thought.

"Sir, I've hired a private nurse to check in on you," Aman said.

Arnav would be all alone in the hotel room. She knew he wouldn't take care of himself, and would probably terrorize the poor nurse. She was about to regret her decision, but letting him go would be a bigger mistake. He'd probably get sepsis.

"Cancel the hotel room, Aman," she said. "He can stay in my house until the investigation is over."

"Really?" Arnav asked.

"You are?" the inspector asked.

"My girlfri-"

"I'm family. His brother is married to my older sister," she explained.

Veda opened the front door of her apartment and motioned for them to come in.

"No point in discussing things in the corridor. Let's sit and have some tea," she said.

Inside, she made tea and mulled over her decision. Anjali couldn't travel in her condition. Nani had to take care of her in Delhi. Aman was just an employee. And Arnav couldn't be left alone. He was a workaholic. In his mad ambition about taking care of his company, he would definitely forget to take care of himself. She told herself she made the right decision and carried the tray of tea and snacks back into the living room.

The police officer and Aman took their tea. She batted Arnav's hand away and took the remaining cup.

"No tea or coffee for a couple of days," she told him. "The juice is for you."

"I don't drink juice," he answered.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to serve you black coffee at the hotel," she answered. "My house, my rules. Here, you'll drink juice."

The police officer and Aman exchanged a look. Arnav gingerly took the glass of juice but didn't drink it.

"Ma'am, sir," the police officer said. He left the house.

"Aman, whatever meetings he has, postpone them for two days. I'm sure the Indian economy won't collapse in that time," Veda said.

Arnav debated whether he should feel happy or angry. Veda was concerned for him. She was taking care of him. Then again, she was controlling him. He didn't like being told what to do.

Aman left and he turned towards her.

"Are you happy to have me here?"

"Don't kid yourself," Veda answered.

Arnav smirked and leaned back. "You are. Juice instead of coffee? Letting me stay here?"

Veda took a seat opposite him and crossed her legs.

"You know, when I went to my grandmother's house I researched you. I read all your interviews, watched all your speeches."

He should've been flattered, but a feeling of dread filled him. She leaned forward and chuckled.

"You really shouldn't tell people so much about yourself, Mr. Raizada."

"Babe, what are you talking about?"

"You've said many times that you like being in control. That you controlled what happened in your life, because you're the great Arnav Singh Raizada. That's what I've just taken away from you."

Arnav gulped. He couldn't tell Aman to book him a hotel room now. If he did, she would freeze him out completely. If he went against anything she said, she would kick him out. He just had to suffer whatever she'd planned, and perhaps get on her good side in the process. It wouldn't be pleasant, but it was his only option.

"You followed me here, and moved into my apartment building. You're trying to take over my life, like a hostile takeover of a business. This is my retaliation. Prepare yourself, Mr. Raizada."

She got up and made a phone call.

"Hello, Luc? How long will it be till you get here?"

Writer's Note

I'm starting to hate Arnav at this point. Perhaps I wrote him too harshly. Will try to rectify this in future chapters.

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