III. Wins and Cuddles

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"Come on, come on, come on," you whispered to yourself as Zion got a rebound. It was the end of Duke's game against UNC. With 10 seconds left, Duke was down 110 to 111. He dribbled down the court with all the defenders behind him, and before he even got to the goal, you knew he was going to do one of his famous dunks.

"YEEESSSS!" you and the crowd screamed while Zion scored. Duke had won! Zion found you in the crowd and smiled at you. You smiled back at him. 


"Good job babe! You did great," you praised your boyfriend. He smiled brightly at you.

"What about me Y/N?!" Cam asked jokingly.

"You did good too buddy," you laughed.

"Good? Rude," he replied, pretending to be hurt. You all laughed. 

"Do y'all want to go pick up something before we go home? I'm hungry," RJ questioned.

"I'm down," Zion replied as you got in the car. 

"What do y'all want?" you said, getting into the driver's seat, with Zion in the passenger and Cam, RJ, and Tre in the back. 

"MCDONALDS!" all the boys yelled together.

"Well now that my eardrum is broken, let's go," you laughed and turned on the aux to jam out.


"Let's go play some FortNiiiiiiiiiiiiite!" Cam sang as y'all walked into the apartment. 

"Ha, I'm bout to get in the beeeedddd!" you sang back.

"Imma have to go with Y/N. Let's cuddle baaaaaaabbyyyyy," Zion pulled you to your room to watch Netflix and cuddle.


"I love you Y/N," Zion whispered as he fell asleep in your lap.

"I love you too Zion."

ZION WILLIAMSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now