V. Beach Vacay

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"Bae! Come on! We're gonna miss our flight!" Zion yelled to you.

"I'm coming! I'm here! And I'm excited!" you screamed and Zion chuckled.

"Okay, scream at the beach. We gotta go," Zion said grabbing your bag, locking the door, and you both got in the car. 

You grabbed your aux cord and plugged up your phone. You and Zion were going on a week long vacation to Bora Bora to relax. It was expensive, but you and Zion had been saving for this since highschool, and you both needed it right now.


"Omg, Zion it's beautiful," you whispered as you both stared out the plane window, looking at the blue water.

"Not as beautiful as you baby," he said cheesily and kissed you on the cheek. You blushed. 


"Oh. My. Gosh!" you yelled, plopping down head first on the bed. You felt the bed dip down beside you as Zion cuddled up to you and kissed your neck. 

"This is gonna be awesome bae," Zion whispered. "Ooh, let's go to the beach!" 

"Ok," you replied, jumping up and going to your suitcase to get your bathing suit.

Once you and Zion were changed, y'all walked to the beach that was just a very short walk from where y'all were staying, since it was beachfront. 

"This is like the best thing ever," you said amazed and ready to get in the water. 

"C'mon Y/N! Let's go!" Zion exclaimed, pulling you to the water. You and Zion then raced into the water and fell into the clear, blue ocean. 

"I'm so lucky," Zion said pulling you into his chest. "I love you babygirl."

"I love you more Zion," you said smiling. You can guess what happened back at the room. 

ZION WILLIAMSON IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now