Session 7

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Game Master: Our heroes find weapons galore and armor of all kinds. Who left them, perhaps all these people that never got to escape? Should you stay? Look away.

There is only one escape.

"Champions. Choose your weapons."

Lilith: Lilith looks around the pile of armor and weapons, she goes for light armor and gauntlets that will pack a punch. She mumbles to herself something bad is coming, but free loot is good. I'm ready for anything.

Rufus: Rufus picks up heavy plate armor and a large sword and heavy shield.

This'll be fun.

Game Master: Some people smile at the end of the day. Some people laugh I suppose.

But to me there's nothing but loom and despair.

That's just how the story goes.

Lilith: Whose voice is that? Where is it coming from? She asks the empty air.

Rufus: Whatever. It is doesn't sound friendly.

Game Master: Lilith's gauntlets radiate in strength, but alas they bind to her soul. "The damage feels so good," say the demons.

Lilith: Ahhahaha. She laughs at the power of the gauntlets.

Erune: She finds a pair of daggers and picks them up quickly, putting on lightweight armor onto her arms and legs. She didn't touch the chest plate, and instead temporarily traded out her fancy jacket for an old, thick, ragged cloak.

Game Master: Our mighty Barbarian finds himself with uncontrollable rage. So much that he will even attack things not there at all. I suppose ignorance is bliss.


Rufus roars.

Game Master: Erune discovers glowing red daggers. They desire blood, whether it be a foe or her own. You get what you pay for.

Erune: Mm.

Game Master: Among the curses binding to their owners, a horde of warriors from long ago begin to rise. Some fresh some rotted to the bone. Prove your worth.


Erune: Oh hey, more bones.

Lilith: Lilith tries to find the leader, somewhat successful and aims, attacking at their heads.

Rufus: Rufus roars while charging into the midst of the crowd blade singing through the air.

Erune: Rushes in, arms out to her sides, and tears through a few rows of skeletons.

Game Master: The party does critical 50 damage. The skeletons blow apart rather easily.

Lilith: Haha. Take that, dust and bones.

Rufus: Who's next! Rufus yells at no one in particular.

Lilith: Me, if you don't stop screaming!

Game Master: A zombie strikes Lilith for 11 damage.

A zombie strikes Erune for 4 damage.

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