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Follow xxMarvelFangirlxx for this funny comment 😂

Cross' POV

Me and Sugar walked up to the deck,I covered my eyes as the bright sun blinded me. I looked over at Sugar and saw that she was already walking away from me, I quickly walked to catch up to her.

As we went, people stared at me muttering things like, "That's him!" And "I can probably beat him, he looks weak!" Man people are sure interesting. But the last comment that I heard was.

"Why would he like him?"

I was confused and thought, 'Who likes me?' I kept asking myself that as I followed Sugar.

We made it to the Captains courters, and Sugar knocked on the door. We heard a "come in" before entering.

Inside were a few guards, and a few cleaning maids. They all looked up at us, with curiosity. I noticed that Sugar had ignored them, and walked straight up to the Captain, I quickly followed.

"Hey there Nightmare! I have brought him!" Sugar exclaimed

'Nightmare so that's his name' I noted

Nightmare looked up at me and eyed me, waiting for something I guess.

"What?" I finally asked breaking the awkward silence.

"..." He looked at me more "You're soul..."

"Hm? What about my soul?" I asked,
'Don't tell me he can see my soul!'

"You have two souls..." He started walking up to me, till he was right in front of me. "Why? Tell me why you have two souls" He ordered

I looked down, 'What am I gonna do?!' I thought to myself, I looked up to face him, he was looking right at me.

"So, you noticed?" I asked "Not many people are able to see it but, you're one of the first" I began "I don't know much about you be honest" I stated, while shrugging.

He looked at me one more time, before whispering something to the dude next time him.

The dude had on a jacket with shorts, and instead of white bones he had red bones his eyes weren't even dark but instead they were red, and he also had blue tear like marks running down his face. The weirdest part was that he had Error signs all over him. His eyes widened a little, as the Captain finished, before calming down.

"YoU aRe a BlAcKsMiTh rIgHt?" I nodded, "ThEn YoU aRe tO mAkE wEaPoNs fOr uS"

I thought about it, 'If I join, then I might be able to train more... Hmm but if I don't join I can be back home...'

I thought, some more, before deciding that I want to join, 'It'd be a perfect opportunity to train my powers and maybe... I could try to bring Chara back...'

I looked up to face the captain, and said "Okay I'll do it" I saw a smirk creep up on his face.

"Good" He said, as he whispered something else into the glitchy skeletons nonexistent ear.

"FoLlOw mE" The glitchy skeleton said , as he walked past me and out the door.

I gave one last look at the so called captain, before following.

         ~Glorious Time Skip~

The glitch led me to the deck, where I saw the same people that I saw before.

'I wonder what they where talking about this morning...' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed, that, the glitch was already at the other side of the deck, I quickly walked over to him.

"OvEr hErE wE wIlL bE tEsTiNg yOu'Re pOwErS" Glitchy, I'll call him that for now, said as well entered a big room. There was a bunch of targets around, swords and beer where scattered on the floor, along with a little bit of blood.
"NaMe?" He asked, "Uh, Cross" he nodded as he wrote some stuff on his notebook.

"sO wHaT aRe yOu'Re pOwErs?" Glitchy asked, as he brought up a clipboard.

"Umm I can summon small and big knives" I said, "that's it"

"CaN yOu sUmMoN mOrE tHaN 2 aT oNcE?" I nodded, "I can summon 6 at once" I stated as I summoned 6 knives, 4 of them were small and 2 of them were big.

Glitchy nodded as he wrote something on the clipboard, "NiGhTmArE aSkeD mE tO aSk yOu tHiS," He looked up to me "WhAt dO yOu kNoW aBoUt ThE dEmOn tReAsUrE?"

I thought for a moment, 'I should say no but, at the same time.... I'll just say no'

"Sorry, I've heard of it but I've never looked into it" I answered, Glitchy nodded slowly as he wrote more stuff in the clipboard.

He looked up to me, "oKaY lAsT tWo qUeStIoN," I looked at him, waiting for these two big question, "dO yOu hAvE aNy rElaTiOnShIps wItH pRiNcEs oR rOyal pEopLe?"

"Yes," He looked at me as a signal to tell him, "Prince Dream, Ink, Geno, and Blue" he nodded again and wrote more stuff on the clipboard.

He looked back up to me as he said his last question"dO yOu hAvE aNy FaMiLy MeMbErS tHaT mIghT cOmE aFtEr uS?"

"..." He looked at me waiting for an answer before his eyes widened a little "oH..." He wrote some more stuff on the clipboard.

"SoRrY?" He said, "YoU cAn gO tO yOu'Re RoOm fOr nOw" Abd with that he walked out.

I sighed, "Bro..."

Nightmares POV

I read over the clipboard that Error had given me, and its pretty interesting.

"New recruit"
Name: Cross
-Powers: Can summon knives
Weapons: Small/Big knives
-Can summon 6 knives at once
-Says they know nothing about Demon
(But I think he knows a thing or two)
-Has no family members that could come after us
-Relationships with royal/famous members: Princes: Dream, Ink, Geno, and Blue

As I read the prince's I noticed that Dream was on there... 'Brother. He knows him eh' I looked up at Error, "Where is he now?" I asked him "He'S cUrReNtLy iN hIs RoOm, SiR" Error responded

"Good," I looked over the clipboard one more time, "You are dismissed" Error nodded and mowed, then left.

I sighed, as I looked over the clipboard again... Cross. So that's his name eh? I looked down at all the information, when something caught my eye.

-Says they know nothing about demon
(But I think he knows a thing or two)

'So he actually knows that something about Demon?' I laughed to myself,

"This is gonna get interesting alright"

"So. Interesting"

So If you read what I posted then you should know what's gonna happen from here, If not then I ask that you read it 😅


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