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I look into my closet for the hundredth time I groan and fall onto my bed. Amy walks into my room with an outfit in her arms and shoes in her hand. She sits down next to me and drops the outfit on me. "This is for you" I jump up off my bed and change into it. I smile into the mirror loving the look. Put on the shoes and sigh "Thank you" she laughs "thought you may need something." I smile at her and sit down. "My first date in awhile" she pats my back "this'll be good for you so enjoy your self and please open up" I nod "I'm going to tell him everything"---------

After ordering Ethan and I awkwardly making small talk until our waiter comes back. I sip my coffee then turn to Ethan seriously. "At the party you wanted me to open up and I think I'm ready just please let me finish my story before saying anything." he nods

"My ex and I met in grade 7. At first, everything was good until we got to high school. He was the quiet type always did well in school but he changed. High school was when you flipped over he started doing drugs, skipping class, and he wanted to do things I didn't want to" I stop to wipe my eyes "I was raised into a religious family so when he wanted to-" I break off and sigh "I just couldn't. After that, he started to abuse me. He'd hit me, punch me, and pull my hair" I wipe my eyes again "I was so relieved when he broke up with me because I was so afraid he'd do something much worse." he nods his head

"The other night when you beat up Snake I was afraid you would turn on me and do the same." he opens his mouth to speak but I raise my hand "I've been afraid for so long to date anyone and put myself out there in case someone would do the same thing but you're different. Ethan, you'd never hurt me I realized that you were protecting me that night." he nods "Okay I'm done"

"I'd never hurt you like that and I'm sorry you had to go through that but it's over now. You can live your life without fear because I'll protect you" I wipe my tears away and take his hand "Thank you" I wipe even more tears away "This is one hell of a date" I laugh he shrugs "My best" I raise my eyebrow "mostly parties nothing meaning full like this." I smile at him and wipe tears away "Oh gosh I'm sorry" he smiles "Don't be!"

We sat smiling at each other until our waiter came back. "Would you two like anything else?" we both shake our heads and he brings us the bill. I volunteer to pay but Ethan insists. We hold hands as we walk over to his car. He opens my door for me then gets in on his side. He holds my hand as he drives us back to my sorority house. When we pull up I frown but Ethan smiles at me "I'll text you later" he smiles I smile back. He leans closer to me and I lean towards him until our lips touch. He puts one hand around my waist and the other in my hair Input mine at the back of his neck pull lightly on his hair.

I pull him closer to me as our lips move in sync his tongue touches my lips and I open my mouth letting his tongue in. We break apart both out of breath and grinning. "I'll see you later," I say before pecking his lips. I run up to my room and close the door. I fall onto the floor grinning to myself. I walk over to my bed and see Amy laying on my bed I lay next to her still smiling. "Good time?" she asked

I sat up and giggle. "Well I told him about you know who and what he did and he was understanding. He was awesome about it like he let me cry and talk without interrupting. Then he paid for the bill and opened my door for me. Drove me here then!" I squeal with excitement "We kissed!" she sits up and joins in my excitement. "I'm so happy for you!" Amy hugs me and we talk about everything for the rest of the day and that night we stayed up to happy to sleep.

 "I'm so happy for you!" Amy hugs me and we talk about everything for the rest of the day and that night we stayed up to happy to sleep

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