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(Reader's P.O.V.)

    "Well (Y/N), I have good news and I have bad news." I sit up once Tails returns from the garage with a laptop. "What's the good news?" He sits down at pulls up the laptop for me to see. "Well, the good news is there may be a way to fix this. According to the data I collected, I may be able to change you back." "And the bad news?" STATUS UPDATE: WORRIED. "Well, the bad news is the only way we can change you back is if we had the plans for Eggman's machine. Without that, I can't make a reversal machine." >THAT WOULD NOT BE TOO DIFFICULT. "How so?" "Umm... (Y/N)? Are you okay" "Oh sorry, I was talking to Metal. He was saying it wouldn't be too difficult to get what we need." "How do you two talk exactly?" "He kinda sends me texts on my display. Since I'm a machine right now, that's the easiest way for us to communicate. I guess it would look a little odd from the outside." He nods, "It's just a little odd but after you explained it that makes more sense. So how come he thinks it won't be too difficult?" >TELL HIM IT'S BECAUSE I KNOW WHERE EGGMAN KEEPS HIS PLANS. "He said he knows where Eggman keeps his plans." "Well, that makes things a lot easier. Ask him where so I can tell Sonic."

(Metal Sonic's P.O.V.)

    I do not want Sonic doing my job for me. I decided to make it my mission to fix (Y/N) myself and I'm not letting my enemy do it for me. >I REFUSE TO SAY. "What why?" Her expression looks "surprised". I guess she doesn't understand. "Is something wrong (Y/N)? What did Metal say?" "He doesn't want to say where the plans are..." Her current expression makes me feel "bad" but I refuse to tell Sonic what I can do myself. >DON'T LOOK SAD, (Y/N). I ONLY REFUSE TO TELL BECAUSE I WISH TO RETRIEVE IT MYSELF. I KNOW EGGMAN'S BASE BETTER THAN SONIC WOULD. IT WOULD BE BETTER IF I RETRIEVED THE PLANS MYSELF. "I guess that makes sense... but, how do we know you won't betray us when you get there?" >PERHAPS YOU SHOULD COME WITH ME. "eh? Say what now?" "Umm... (Y/N) what's he saying now?"

(Reader's P.O.V.)

    "He said he wants to do it himself and wants me to go with him." "I'm not so sure that's a good idea." I agree with Tails but, if Metal Sonic won't tell us where the plans are I'll never get this fixed. >Metal, if I go with you, you'll help me get back to normal right? >THAT'S CORRECT. DOES THAT MEAN YOU AGREE TO MY TERMS? >Yeah, as long as we don't get into trouble. Famous last words.

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