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(Metal Sonic's P.O.V.)

When the sparks fade I see (Y/N), still a machine. Could this mean the doctor was right all along? No, I don't believe that. Even If it might be the truth I still think she's the one who is correct. The machine must've gone wrong or perhaps it was simply Tails forgot to flip the switch. "W-Why am I still..." I see water pour from her eyes. Why is that happening? And why does it make me feel "bad"? I approach her and wrap my arms around her form. >EVEN IF YOU'RE STUCK LIKE THIS, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TO ME. I hear the sound of sniffling as she pulls away from me. She rubs the water away from her face plate. "Why did you say that?" >BECAUSE IT IS HOW I "FEEL".

(Reader's P.O.V.)

Somehow reading those words made me feel ten times better. I was a little flustered reading them but I guess knowing someone likes me like this makes me happy... Isn't there usually a status text that shows up by now? On my display where there used to be a status text displaying my mood now displays new labels that weren't there before. Labels that say hunger and tiredness. Did the machine half work? "Umm... Tails... I'm kinda hungry..." "Huh? Are you saying my machine still worked?" "Maybe... Anyways is there any food I can eat? I have a huge craving for pasta right now." Just then on Tails' computer, I see Eggman's logo. "It seems your little plan has failed. If my calculations are correct then the pretty little (C/T) has transformed into a complete robot." "Umm... Hate to burst your bubble but your plan did the opposite." "WHAT!" "I mean I feel less like a machine than I did this morning." I hear furious typing on the other end of the screen. "How can this be?! The plan should've worked! You would take the fake plans and build the machine. Then you would become a full-on Eggman robot. There should have been no flaws or errors to speak of!" Again I hear more furious typing. >HE SEEMS PRETTY UPSET. IT SEEMS HOWEVER THAT HE HASN'T NOTICED ME IN THE ROOM. >That's probably a good thing. "One percent?! How is there a one percent backfire?! A one percent chance the machine does the exact opposite of what I intended! How can this be?! Grr... Fine. Enjoy your little victory while it lasts. I can guarantee it'll be short-lived." The computer finally returns to normal. >EGGMAN MUST'VE KNOWN WE WERE LOOKING FOR THE BLUEPRINTS AND PLANTED FAKES. "Well, I guess the good news is I'm still me. By the way, I'm still hungry."

(Metal Sonic's P.O.V.)

I decided not to tell her about the message I just received from Eggman. He's threatening to dismantle me for my betrayal. I don't wish to make her "worry". It seems as if she has returned to almost normal. In a state of being half machine while at the same time being half mobian. I wonder how she "felt" about my words. I had told her my true "feelings" and admitted my errors. But I am too "afraid" to ask how she "felt".

Love Error (Metal Sonic x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now