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ii. stuck in the past.


OCTOBER 28TH, 1995.
Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place.


A THUD SOUNDED AS the group of next gen kids tumbled onto the ground piled on top of each other. Which managed to go noticed by Weasley's, golden trio and some of the Order of the Phoenix.



A slap soon sounded from the hallway, whilst the rest of the teens and kids ended their complaining. However, by the time they did stop they soon managed to scramble back onto their feet because Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Mad-eye Moody were now standing in front of the group of future kids. They had their wands firmly held out in front of them directed towards the group.

"Uh.....What year is it?" Teddy managed to get out. As he tried not to look in the direction of his late father. The past people confusingly looked towards the blue haired metamorphmagus who had asked the question just then. "1995.....why?" Remus answered. None of the adults managing to lower any of their wands just in case they were deatheaters.

Teddy's eyes widened to the size of saucers as soon as he heard that. "Well....you see we're from the future." He stuttered. Remus and Sirius both lowered their wands finally sighing, as they soon gestured for the group of kids to come into the kitchen with them so they can introduce themselves. Mad-eye however still was quite suspicious of the group but let them go into the kitchen nevertheless.

Inside of the kitchen finally. The group of next generation kids stood in a group at the end of the table. Which caught the attention of the rest of people in there. Confusion was clearly evident on their faces as they spun around to face the mysterious group of kids. "Well.....um hi? We're from the future....2021 to be exact." Victoirè managed as she stood towards the front of the group with her fiancè Teddy. Remus soon gestured for the group of kids in front of them to start speaking and introduce themselves.

The first person forward ended up being a fairly tall, metamorphmagus with light blue hair. His old hufflepuff scarf was wrapped firmly around his neck as he began to speak. "My name is.....Edward Remus Lupin, but I prefer Teddy." He started. "I'm 20 years old. Was a Hufflepuff and my parents are Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Lupin neè Tonks." Tonks squealed happily at the sound of that, clumsily falling off the table in the process. Remus however had his eyes widened at the sound of that. He couldn't believe that someone had managed to love him for him despite the curse he had.

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