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vi. time potion.


OCTOBER 30TH, 2021.
Potter's Residence.


HERMIONE RUSHED INTO HARRY'S STUDY EARLY the next morning with a couple potions situated in her hands. "Harry!" She called, as she stopped in front of her best friend's wooden desk where he was currently sat. Noticing the presence of Hermione, Harry looked up from where he was filling out some paperwork for the Ministry to see what she wanted.

"Hermione, What do you need? Can't you see I'm busy." Harry asked questionably. The frizzy haired brunette however just rolled her eyes and placed down four phials of a weird, yellow concoction onto the desk surface. Each liquid looked as if it glistened in the light.

"Harry. I found these time potions. It can help us bring the children back." She said smartly. The raven haired male pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose before standing up and following Hermione back downstairs. Making sure they grabbed the four phials of time potion with them.

Pretty soon they had made it downstairs and into the living room where they soon spotted Draco Malfoy and Hermione's husband, Ron waiting near the couches. The two males soon standing up, and brushing invisible dust off their pants once they noticed Harry and Hermione had come over.

"Bloody hell its about time. Now let's go get our kids back." Ron complained. They all nodded at that. Before Hermione handed two of the potions towards Draco and Ron. Whilst keeping the other two for her and Hermione. They then all uncorked their potion and took a whiff of the substance as they brought it up to their lips.

Hermione luckily managed to remind them that they don't need to drink the entire potion in order for it to work. They would just need like a drop of it and that should be enough to take them back in time to the year 1995. Their fifth year at Hogwarts.

They soon didn't waste any more time and opened their mouths, to put a drop of the substance on their tongues. As soon as the drop of time potion landed on their tongues. A golden bright light soon clouded over their vision and they felt themselves disappear through time.

Then with a huge thud. They felt themselves landing onto what looked like old rickety, hard wooden steps outside of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. They had made it. And now it was time to bring their kids back home to the future. As they soon dusted off their clothes once more from invisible dust. Hermione had knocked on the tall, black door of the three story building.



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TURN BACK TIME - 𝔥𝔭 𝔫𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔤𝔢𝔫 ✔Where stories live. Discover now