Feeling Chipper on the Bowditch Clipper

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Feeling Chipper on the Bowditch Clipper

©20-April-2019, Olan L. Smith

I've the feel for the deal, and it's for real!

I stood on my head to shake it up, let it drain,

Man, to the ground, make it deeper brown,

A stain on my soul, man, so roughen the undertow,

You know, keep feeling chipper on the Bowditch clipper,

Skipper. Washed my balls on the deck, ran under the bridge;

The wheelhouse turns, you know, round and round we go.

Kissed the coxswain's arse, saluted the captain, and

Pants the helmsman while sitting on the radar, it's

A stretch, man. It's good times and full sails. 

Beat Poems, by Olan L. SmithWhere stories live. Discover now