Move Over Lazarus

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Move Over Lazarus

©October 2nd 2019, Olan L. Smith

Tick-tock goes the clock,

Down the end I slither,

The old jock surveys the hoes,

And around the block

They come hither―

Consciousness ebbs and flows—

Down your quaff.

Please, Jesus save...,

Life is on and off—

You blink, and life's cut off

A queue behind the grave

Souls cocooned in webs that wave.

Yikes, I'm moving homeward,

And Mom's behind my stone,

She waits for me to rise, oh no!

Who writes on my thighbone?

It's all backward,

Poppies in snow―

The other side of death

Is back-to-front, for me I clef.

"Hey Jesus, its obverse!

I crawl in reverse,

Into my mother's womb;

Move over Lazarus, make more room?"

Beat Poems, by Olan L. SmithWhere stories live. Discover now