Dare 1

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"Fliqpy, hug your brother and say something sweet."

Fliqpy's face was filled with cringe, disgust, and anger. He began to crush the letter with his two hands, almost ripping it apart. He started growling deeply.
Flippy noticed him through the creaked door of his bedroom. He barged in in an instant, concerned if the federation enemy sent something extreme, since it was common. Fliqpy didn't turn his head when his brother put his hand on his shoulder. "Fliq! What does it say?! Was it from the enemy??"

Fliqpy exhaled, and his arms rose down calmly with the letter, allowing his brother to read it. Flippy read it, and paused. He got the first dare.
As much as Fliqpy didn't like doing these things to his brother, Flippy didn't like them either, at least not in front of people. It seemed girly to them, in a weakening way. They felt that it puts their strong brotherhood at risk. As a target.

The awkward silence made the tension more dense. Flippy slowly began to back away, retreating to the door. He prayed that his brother wouldn't actually do this, well knowing he wasn't the type to. "Flip." Fliqpy's voice made him flinch. "Come here."
Flippy didn't move from his spot, but turned around. Fliqpy was facing his direction now. "You heard me." Fliqpy stood here with his arms outstretched. His face was forced into a twisted wide grin yet angry face, almost pissed.


Flippy turned around and dashed for his life into the hallway, with his pursuer close behind. He was almost grabbed until he managed to shake off Fliqpy off a little, and made it behind a door and locked it. But the amber-eyed twin knew where he was already, and he had to think fast. He leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath quick.
Everything was silent until he jumped hard when Fliqpy suddenly slammed on the door, and then continued to bang on it loudly. This felt like something out of a horror movie. Flippy backed away immediately. A voice suddenly rose from the room, making Flippy jump. "Flippy? What are you doing here? Are you two playing again?"


Flippy turned around swiftly, embarrassed and blank-minded. "Sergeant!" He laughed nervously. "N-No were not! You know we don't play around in this manner!"
Sergeant, who was doing contract work, gave Flippy a long stare. Then he looked at the door, which was being pushed forward a little by the force of the continuous banging. "Or..."

Flippy looked into Sergeant's eyes with fear. He was grinning, always looking forward to have a little fun sometimes. "Is it a dare? Did Fliq get a dare and did it involve you?"
Flippy shook his head in denial. "N-No Sergeant! When did it ever?! And he didn't get a dare!"

Sergeant chuckled. "Are you sure? Because when you lie, you go completely red."
The kid went quiet, it was now obvious.
And to add insult to the injury, he added, "Don't worry, I already knew. I'm the one that gave him the letter anyways." He said as he got up and went for the door and opened it, revealing his brother on the other side. His disturbingly twisted expression still there. He stood there menacingly with his head tilted to the side. "You can't run from this dare Flip."

He lunged at Flippy with his arms outstretched, Flippy shrieked. "We're brothers, remember?"

Ask/Dare Young Flippy and FliqpyWhere stories live. Discover now