Chapter 8

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The forest of birds did not seem all that scary to me. Of course, it was still the middle of the day and the birds we ran into were adorable. Plus they seemed to like me but hated Leo and Xavier as they kept pooping on them.

       "So peaceful." I said patting a blue robin on the back. Chirping in response, it nestled its head further into my palm.

        "Let those demons go. They're nothing but trouble." Leo complained.

          The little bird hopped on my shoulder and went to sleep.

            "Nah I quite like Elly."
            "Of all the names you could have picked."
           "What's wrong with it?"
            "Its the same name you used on that doll you always carried around." He said referring to my Black Bratz doll whose head now rested in my closet, forever separated from its body.

            "Its a nice name. Its short for Eliana."

            "That's uh a unique name." Phoebe tried to compliment. She looked at me in confusion.

             "It is a pretty name. Don't listen to Phoebe she's a hater." Xavier spoke up.

          "You're only saying that to disagree with me." Leo pointed out.

       "That and its nice." Xavier said as they started to argue once again. We continued on for a few hours. I was unfortunate enough to step in unknown animal feces, ruining my red sneakers.

          Dark was starting to fall around us as the sunset behind us, causing the sky to become violet.

          "Just great. I thought we could make it out fine." Xavier sighed.

             "Guys be careful. The animals are more agressive now and the Shug Monkey is said to come out as soon as the sun goes down."

          I had heard of the dog-monkey spirit that haunted the forests of England but that was a fairy tale and I didn't even live in England and yet when I heard that, my heart rate skyrocketed. I wasn't prepared to face some sort of creature let alone a demon. However, I was glad the rest of my team looked confident. It was good to know that my safety was in capable hands.

        We circled around the beast. Each one of us was to attack at the same time or at least that was the plan for every monster we would face.

           I removed my lance from its holster, fiddling with how I held it to make sure my hands remained steady.

            It howled as everyone pierced the beast...except for me. I already messed up the plan and noticed the beast break through knocking all three aside. It set its red eyes on me and pounced. I blocked as best I could before I could hear it whimper. Leo's fist connected with its snout as Xavier materialized bars to capture its hind legs.

        The Shug Monky wiggled about and screeched but couldn't move.

       "Is it safe yet?" Leo asked.

        "No, I need Ruby to draw its blood. Then I can start an incantation and turn the beast docile." Phoebe explained.

       "O-ok." Stuttering out of fear of being near the beast. I lifted my spear over my head and brought it into the beasts leg with all my might. Dark red blood poured out of the wound. She began to chant as a golden aura envelopped the monster. The howling calmed and its eyes went from angry to sleepy.

       "It should be done. I don't know how it affects this particular beast but it should at least be calmer now." She said.

        We continued through the increasingly dark forest. The only light was the glow of fire flies. In this world it was a light blue color.

       "So why are they blue?" I asked.

        "It's just the color of their mana. We call them blue bugs because of the glow."

       "Even bugs have mana?!" Leo exclaimed.

      "Yes everything in this world gives off mana. Even you two faintly give off mana. If we don't have it then that means our brains are dead." Phoebe said.

       "Does mana output equal intelligence then?" Leo asked.

        "No mana output depends on your bodies affinity for it based on exposure and natural abilities. You two have potential but your affinity is low because you weren't exposed to that much magic. One day, you may have more mana than me." She elaborated as we reached the end of the forest.

We came to rolling hills and at the bottom was a huge city. I could faintly make out a giant sky scraper at the middle of the city. The sky was partly cloudy but there were no stars. There was a slight breeze moving through. It reminded me of the spring breeze that would come in April at home.

It seemed like the rest of the trip would be much easier. A city was also almost a guaranteed safe place. Theres no way anything worse then having your master betray you in the middle of nowhere.

I looked to Leo hoping he may be as worried as me. He met my eyes and shook his head.

"It seems you were thinking the same thing as me. Well I don't think theres anything weird but keep an eye out." He slowed to walk next to me as the other two took the lead.

"Okay." We made our way down the hill.  I was a bit startled when Leo kept brushing his hand against mine and smiled.

He was always teasing me even in this situation. I sighed as we reached the city's entrance. As we got closer, the guards at the gate were startled awake. They had been caught sleeping on the job. One hastily got up and ran over to the gate before we could reach.

"Welcome to Marigold City, seat of our great Mayor Elena. Please enjoy your stay." He then narrows his eyes. "Don't think about telling her about our small break or you will be kicked out."

"But of course not. All we saw was that you just came back from a short break." Leo assured him as we walked through.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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