Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Honey are you almost ready?" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

"Yeah! Give me one more minute!" I yell back, and quickly finish straightening my hair.  Tonight there is a pack meeting, officially welcoming the Moon Pack to ours.  Everyone must attend, no is not an option.

I turn off my straightener and run out of my room and down the stairs.  My parents are waiting for me by the door.

"About time." my dad says handing me my jacket, which I take while rolling my eyes.

"Hey, someones gotta look in this family." I say jokingly.  My mom looks down at herself then back up to me with a worried look.

"Does this dress make me look fat?" she asked looking between my father and I worriedly.  I can't help, but to laugh at her expression.

"No mom, you look hot." I say winking.  She breaks out into a grin and my father sighs loudly.

"Alright ladies we really have to go now, we don't want to be late." my dad said, practically pushing us out the front door.  We walked over to the meeting hall and entered.  The hall was already packed with people by the time we got there.  

The entire Moon Pack was sitting together near the front.  I looked around for James and saw him sitting with his father a few rows away.  I waved to get his attention and his face changed emotions once he saw me, he broke out into a smile and waved back.  I mouthed to him to meet me in the back once the meeting was over and he nodded his head in agreement.

The meeting went by pretty fast.  My father had a speech and we talked about the joining of the two packs, now considered one.  Before I know it, the meeting is officially over.  I tell my parents that I'll be back and they nod their heads, heading over to another family.

I walk into one of the back hallways and wait for James.  I wait for a few minutes before I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I smile thinking it's him, but turn around to find Braden smirking at me.  The smile on my face instantly falls.

"What are you doing back here?" I ask him confused.

"I could ask you the same thing." he says moving slightly closer to me.  I move back so there's more room between us.  As much as I hate Braden, I don't trust myself with him.  After all, he is my mate.

"I'm waiting for my friend." I reply back, looking away from him.

"Ah, that boy you've been hanging around with right?" he asks taking another step forward.  I take another step back, but my back hits the wall behind me, no where to go.

I just nod my head to his question, not being able to find my voice at the moment.

"Well he might be awhile, I saw him getting pretty cozy with Amber." he says rather smugly and my eyes dart to his face to see if he's lying.  I couldn't tell, but he has to be lying.  James wouldn't fall for Amber.

"I've missed you." Braden whispers, moving his face closer to mine.

"What?" I asked completely confused.  What kind of game is he trying to play?

"You heard me." he says moving down to nuzzle into my neck.  This isn't right, I say to myself in my head.

"Stop." I say and push him away.  He's just playing me, he doesn't care for me, he never has and never will.

He's about to say something, but a voice cuts him off.

"There you are." James says moving towards us.  Braden takes another step away from me and James gives me a confused look.

"Hey." I say quietly to him.

"Well I better be going, it was very nice talking with you Vanessa." Braden says giving me a wink and a look to james before turning to leave.  James watches his retreating back and once he's out of sight turns to me.

"What was that about?" he asks casually, but I could tell something was bothering him.  I shrug my shoulders.

"Nothing, he just wanted to talk is all." I lie, looking away from him.  My thoughts still thinking about what Braden said.

He gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me, but I choose to ignore it.

"Why was he practically eating your neck?" he asks sounding slightly annoyed.

"He wasn't, what's with all the questions?" I ask back.  He looks taken back by me, but quickly covers it up.

"I was just curious." was all he said.  We remained silent for a few moments, just standing awkwardly by each other.

"What took you so long?" I ask wondering if he'll say he was with Amber like Braden said he was.

"Sorry, a few people wanted to talk to me. I tried coming back as soon as I could." he says laughing slightly and I laugh too. "Why, did you miss me?" he asks wiggling his eye brows.  I push him away playfully before answering.

"No, I was just getting tired of waiting for your slow ass." 

"Honey please! My ass has been called sexy, hot, and cute, but never slow." he replies back laughing.  I blush slightly, but laugh with him.

"Whatever you say my friend, let's go I'm sure my parents are wondering where I am." I say leading him out into the hall with everyone else.

"Yeah wouldn't want them getting any ideas about us, but you better button back up some of your shirt buttons." he says pointing to my shirt.  I look down confused and he starts cracking up.

"Chill Vanessa, I was just kidding."

I blush and laugh. "Of course you were."

"Unless you don't want me to be joking." he says seductively and I almost melt, before I realize he's joking again.

"Very funny." I say sarcastically, but with a smile on my face.

We find my parents quickly and begin talking.  My parents love James, they think he's the sweetest boy and I couldn't agree more.

Sorrry it's so short, I just wanted to put something up.  Comment/vote!<3

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