Rejected by my Mate

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Chapter 1

Finding your mate is one of the biggest parts of being a werewolf.  Every wolf looks forward to finding their one true love and being with them for all eternity.  Being with your mate makes you feel completed, like your one soul meshed together for one another.  The feeling is supposed to be amazing, but I'll never know of it.  I've known who my mate is for a few months now, but I haven't told anyone.  Why you might ask, well I'll tell you why, it's because my 'mate' wants absolutely nothing to do with.  I have been rejected..

My name is Vanessa Wayne.  I am seventeen years old and I am a social outcast.  I'm apart of a very huge, very known wolf pack.  Everyone in our pack seems to have a place where they belong.  I feel as though I have no where to go.  I'm not like the other wolfs around here, which is why I don't usually talk to anyone.  I like to be by myself or read in a quiet place, not party or train or do whatever else I'm supposed to do.

My parents try forming me into the social butterfly they've always wanted me to be, but it's never worked.  My parents love me though and always tell me how they wouldn't trade me for anything in the world.  Well I hope they wouldn't.. but you never know.  I'm really not as awkward as people make me out to be.  I'm a pretty normal person, I have light blonde hair that goes passed my shoulders and green eyes that I just love, but enough about me, I'll tell you the story on how I first met my mate.

I'll never forget when I first saw him.  I was walking around town by myself when all of a sudden I'm crashing towards the ground.  Before I hit the ground though, I'm caught.  I look up and saw him, my mate.  He was looking at me strangely before setting me back on the ground and walking away.  I wanted to go after him, but was to shy.  I found out his name was Braden Lowe.  His family is very wealthy and very powerful.  The exact opposite of me.

I waited for weeks for him to come up to me, surely he knew we were mates, I mean how could you not feel that electricity when we touched? But sadly he never contacted me.  My wolf was starting to grow impatient and I couldn't hold out for much longer so one day I got the courage to talk to him.  He was surrounded by his friends and I went up and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Can we talk?" I asked quietly and him and his friends all looked at me like I had a third head.  I could feel my face blush under all their gazes and some of them started to laugh, which made me blush even more.

"Sure" Was all he said and led me away from his group.  He stopped and turned to me and I could only stare at him.  Maybe I should've had something prepared.

"Well?" He asked impatient and looking at me slightly annoyed.  I finally find my voice and get confident enough to talk.

"I'm Vanessa" Was all I said lamely.  That's what I came up with? Genius.  That will surely have him falling at my feet.

"So?" He said rather rudely back.  I take a big gulp and continue talking even though my mind was telling me to just shut up and walk away.

"And umh.. well I was just.." I started to say, but he cut off me.

"Look let me stop you there okay? I know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it. You're not my mate. I don't care what you say, but you will never be my mate got it?" He said quiett enough so no one around would hear.  Hearing him say that made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"But.." I start again, but get cut off once again.

"But nothing. Look I need someone who is strong,beautiful and powerful.  Those things don't look like they go with you"

Rejected by my MateWhere stories live. Discover now