4-Forgotten Memories

934 28 12

~Uraraka POV~

It's finally Friday and I don't have work! Oh yeah, and today's when I get too move in with bakugo- wait... I didn't PACK!  I mentally curse myself and run around the house packing my stuff, I didn't own that much so it wasn't that hard. I put everything in a bag and a suitcase. My couch and bed, came with the apartment so I can't do anything with that. I take down my posters of Levi Ackerman. Um, I'm gonna have to hide those.

And I take down my Naruto posters, I clean out my drawers, I move too the final drawer and I saw a picture I don't remember having.

"What is this

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"What is this..." I said too myself looking at the picture. I didn't understand, and I don't remember anything happening related to this. "Maybe I should ask Bakugo when I get to his house..." I said as I gently folded the picture and put it in my pocket. I finished packing and looked at the apartment one more time before turning and leaving.

I put my stuff in the back of my car, then got in the drivers seat and locked the doors before driving off too Bakugos house.

~Time skip~

Once I got there I pulled into his drive way and parked my car, I looked out the window at his house, it was pretty big. And I mean pretty big. And he's the only one that lives here? I swear it looks like he could fit many people in that house! I got out of the car and closed the door, now to make sure I'm at the right place! I walked up too the door and rang the doorbell.

~Bakugos POV~

I just finished cleaning up the guest bedroom and adding my little touches too it here and there. I walked back into my workout type room and decided to work out until Floaty got here.

~Time skip~

I was still working out until I heard the door bell ring. Maybe I shouldn't have worked out before she got here cause now I'm all hot and sweaty. Welp, can't be helped! I walk over too the door with a wet towl around my neck, I open the door too be greeted by none other than floaty.

She smiled, "Hey bakugo! Sorry I took so long, it took me a while to get everything packed." She said with a nervous giggle. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Yeah, excuses, excuses." I responded she hit me playfully on the arm. "I'm not making up excuses! Now I'm gonna go get my bags" She said walking back too her car.

I sighed and walked over with her, she got her bags out of the trunk and we both went back inside, we went too her room and opened the door. Her eyes widen in awe. "Woah how did you do this?" She asked I rubbed the back of my neck, "Well, I didn't do it by myself..... Shitty hair, Pikachu and pinky helped me out." I said with a shrug.

She nodded and set her things down by the bed, "Hey, Bakugo?" She asked looking back at me. "Yeah?" I asked my eyebrow raised. She took out something from her pocket it looked like a picture of some sort. She turned towards me and showed me the picture. "When... Was this and what happened..." She asked I looked at the picture and my eyes widen. Where did she get this, how did she get this? I thought shitty hair hid it from her, she wasn't supposed to find it! But, it's too late now I'm gonna have to tell her I guess...

"Come in here and sit down, I was gonna have too tell you sooner or later..." I said sitting on the couch. She sat down beside me. "That picture was taken about a year or so ago. When...." I paused and she looked at me curiously, "When what?" She asked I sighed, "When the villains attacked, me and you... Where really close back then we where more than friends that's for sure.  But we where fighting the villains trying to protect the citizens. There where so many of them. All of us had too keep on are toes, Deku, Red Riot, Charge Bolt, Tsujuyomi, Cellophane, Tentacole, Tail man, Earphone jack, Uravity, Ground Zero, etc." I said.

"We where outnumbered, most of the rest of us heroes didn't make it on scene until after. Well, all of a sudden you ended up getting overwhelmed and where getting beat up pretty badly and I couldn't get there because I had too deal with another batch of villains. You ended up taking blows too the head, and passed out. Kirishima ended up saving you from them, and Kaminari helped me. Kirishima handed me you while they finished off the rest of the villains, they ran away and news reporters started flooding in. That's how that picture was taken and it ended up getting in are hands. You where rushed too the hospital, we didn't know if you'd make it.....the doctors even told us you didn't have a high percent chance of living. But you pulled through luckily, but... You suffered from amnesia, and your memories didn't come back too you. So, you forgot everything, how me and you where, all of your friends, you only where able to recognize a few faces, which where Todoroki, Kaminari, Ashido, and kirishima. You... Forgot about me completely, you didn't know who I was, and through your eyes I was nothing but a rich pro hero that got loved. You disliked me for a while and it stayed that way for a year until you finally started thinking of me differently and warming up too me." I finished looking away from her.

~Urarakas POV~

After he finished I was frozen, I forgot most of my life pretty much. I forgot him. I forgot the others, except for a few. But, why would they hide this from me? I deserved too know sooner! I stood up, tears came down my face, how could I forget those things. I didn't look at Bakugo I just walked into my room and closed the door locking it, I curled up on my bed and cried.
Midnight: Done, and damn Uraraka your really good at this acting thing.

Uraraka: *Giggles* I guess! *Wipes away the tears she had from getting into character*

Bakugo: Why did it have to get so fucking sad all of a sudden.

Midnight: *Shrugs* That's just how I wrote it.


Todoroki: Sup.

Midnight: Oh! Hey todoroki!!! *Smiles with a light blush*(Like I said I have a problem with todoroki....)

Todoroki: Hey midnight.

Uraraka: Anyways we should end this I think Midnight just broke.

All except for me: Bye!

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