First Day

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Today is the day I have been dreading for the past three months, school. The first day. Of course im like any other girl, trying to look perfect. Looking at Ang, and Aubrey, I feel like a rock compared to those diomonds, dull, ugly, abd somthing no one wants. My mom yelled "the six of you better get your ass's down here. Or im going to be late for work, not like you guys care." I heard her mumble somthing else about me but I didnt care, Im used t everyone talking about me and saying rude things to my face nd behind my back.

Finally, when I get to school right away I see Claire standing by the front entrance of the school waiting for me so we can make our 'grand' entrance. She always was big on making good first impresisions and sinse it is our seond year at highshool i wasnt nervous, except for the part everyone thinking I was stupid and all all thanks to my sisters. When I was daydreaming walking up to her she said "So your bro and me have our second date, I really think hes in to me! Do you think?" Damn, I forgot my bestfreind was gong oon dates with my brother, everyone thaught my brother were georgous. I just said "yea I do." My brothers never gave me a hard time, instead they just ignored me and acted like I wasnt here on earth. Claire put on a huge smile and grabbed my arm and pulled me in school.

By lunch I was wore out. My sisters already started there rumers abou me. But then I saw HIM. Darean. The guy everyone looked up to but was scared of him at the same tme. Dareans older brothers were some of the most feared guys in St. Lous. From what I heard one just went to prison for who knows how long. Darean isnt od enough to be in there gang and doesnt want to so he started his own gang with my brothers and some other guys. Every girl throws them selves at him but he has one girl and thats my sister Aubrey. Any guy would date her. When she walkes down the halls guys jaws just drop. I looked at him and he saw me looking and looked at me and his eyes just sparkled like there was something more than just a gang member trying to survive. But what do I know? Claire was hugging on my brother pulling my way and when they got to me my brother did a quick wave at me then said "Im out". They hugged and she started smiling and said "I really like him, he said he would hook you up with someone!". I mumbled "Yea right". She uickly took her grin away and said in a low voice "Well I asked him and he said we will see" I dont know why she tries so hard to hook me up with someone, I survived all last year with out one so i dont know why shes so focued on me having a man tis year. Aubrey saw me looking at 'her man' so like usual she was over dramatic at somped over to me. At first she seamed surprisingly calm and said "WHY are you looking at him" and I said "Who?" SHe lifted her hands up in fists then pulled them down slowly and said slowly "Darean". Then she started talkig louder as she said "Your string at him, dont talk or say anything, im not mad cause I know you can never een get a man but its grose how you are checking my boyfriend out it grose thinking girls like you are even thinking about people like us". Then right there I almost couldnt breathe anymore because HIM, THE GUY, DAREAN walked up to us and smiled at me. Then he looked at Aubrey and said "Lunch is about over lets get out of here" and then they were gone. Soon I was gone to because the bell rang for class again.

By the end of the day my curled hair had fallen and my hair was back to straite, so I just put on my snapback. I had sweatpants on from gym and barely any makeup on, but I really didnt care about my makeup because it was the end of the day.On our bus there was usually Claire sitting by me but she was getting a ride home from my brothers friend. My brother and sisters were to cool to ride the bus, so they would do anything to get rides from people but also it wasnt hard for them to get rides, it seamed like anyone would gve them rides. I heard from a rumer that darean and Aubrey were fighting. Even more weird was they were fighting about me. I guess Darean found out she was yelling at me for looking at him. I really did not know he knew I existed, its not like my sister would talk about me to him. When I got home I saw Aubrey, my mom, and Ang. sitting at the table. My mom looked at me and then looked at Aubrey who had her head down and I guss was crying and said "sit.". I was used to them gaining up on me and yelling, my brothers never did though, they just went to there rooms with there girls f they were even home. I sat my backpack down by the front door and went to si down.

{Ill upload another chapter tonight, she doesnt seem that scared to sit down, but she shoud be, who knos what aubrey will do if she cant stand even Marissa looking at her man, and now her man, Darean seams to be on Marissas side. Comment and recomend to other friends plase!! I will upload pictures tonight or tomorrow to show you what Marissa, Darean and her family looks like!}

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