Tea 🍵

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Kevin: we have gained 6,000 ppl on here we need tea for them to sip

Cheryl: great idea- we go out of Riverdale to the Blossom residence in LA

Jughead: why didn't we go there before the murders

Veronica: bc there wasn't meant to be any murders

Jughead: okay then

Jughead: while there was a murderer in the town who nobody knew the real identity of

Betty: fair point

Kevin: the trip screams tea

Toni: who will go?

Alice: i assume the parents won't come

Cheryl: actually

Betty: Cheryl

Cheryl: cousin Betty

Cheryl: As I was saying

Betty: no Cheryl you aren't actually going to invite the parents are you

Cheryl: lEt mE fIniSh

Penelope: her hair is like fire and it's triggering me so let her finish

Cheryl: thank you Mumsy

Cheryl: we will only invite the cool parents like Alice Fred and Hiram because they will cause tea. Mumsy can come too bc I want to see a Mumsy vs aunt Alice fight and because it's her home too so

FP: how come I can't come

Toni: FP you are the leader of a gang

Cheryl: all the teens can come —

Fangs: wooo

Cheryl: — except for fangs

Fangs: aw

Cheryl: jkjk

Fangs: wooo

Next chapter is the trip so stay tuned. Sorry this was short I haven't been able to upload QUALITY CONTENT bc my creativity flow is drier than a desert. Ly all 💕

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