Apology/ more!

416 12 14

this is it guys, the moment you've all waited for, for like a year. i would also like to say i've stopped watching riverdale but i'm going off what i remember and i may not post on this again? i'm not sure. once again thankyou so much for the amount of people reading this, we've gotten 66 thousand and i am so so grateful that somehow that's happened! I'm rlly sorry I've forgotten to keep updating and even though i have gotten some hate for not posting i know it's because you love the craziness in my mind and frankly this riverdale meets LA thing is boring me and I don't wanna do stuff that's boring me SO I'm just putting out more fun content! i may not keep updating this but i have started a new harry potter fanfic involving the founders heirs so check that out! Also i would like to say, I accidentally deleted on the road part 3/3 so that's where beronica accidentally happened?? but let's just pretend that it didn't and bughead stayed the same for my sake. So enjoy this apology 1000 word chapter! Just some original content- Let's go!

Archie: I'm failing math

Kevin: I just escaped from a cult, Betty killed people, Jughead found out about family trauma, Veronica is battling her dad (and no offence loosing), I'm single and gay and lonely, and yet-

Betty: I can tutor you

Archie: 😍 yes

Jughead: 😑 no

Betty: 🤢 no

Veronica: 😠 no

Kevin: what if I tutor you 😏

Archie: Imma ask toni to tutor me

Cheryl: you will do NO SUCH THING ARCHOE

Kevin: yussss you just got tOaStEd

Betty: we stan

Cheryl: *hair flip but her hair gets stuck on her lipgloss*

Cheryl: *sputtering our hair* well bye

Toni: love u babe, go away Archie

Archie: 😍😍😍 orange juice

Kevin: ohhh yeahhh apples bananas whatever baby

Archie: autocorrect ugh

Betty: sure okay 🙄

Archie: damm y'all are mean

Jughead: nono it's okay Archie

olive juice 😍😍

Betty: ohh yeah 😂

pineapple juice 😏

Veronica: grape juice

wait wine ??-

Archie: if it means alcohol I'm in

Everyone: Archie no-

Archie: 🙄 *scoff* a r c h i e n o

that's all I've ever been told

Jughead: sounds about right
were you the one who ate the stapler? oh no that was Jason grace (Riordanverse fans where u at 😏)

Archie: at least I read the book

Betty: you read percy Jackson!

Archie: oh no... I read day monkey night monkey... I thought there was only one book- no wonder people have book clubs then

Kevin: you're still stupid- want a tutor?

Archie: Kev 😠 I will rip off my shirt and put on a mask and kill you

Kevin: maybe I'm into that

Betty: i choked-

Kevin: so do I

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