Daddy Issues

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Camila's POV
"Nick?" I gasped. This wasn't happening right now, it couldn't be happening right now.
"Hello, love." I know I'm drunk, I fucking know that, but I can't be that drunk! I turned to the door again, the knocking becoming more and more aggressive. "I know you must be in shock—" I scoff as I pinch the bridge of my nose, pacing back and forth, surely making tracks in my carpet.
"Or drunk out of my mind." I cut off, running a hand through my hair as a gasp jumps through the receiver.
"Has it really been that long? You're legal now! Tell me, what's your poison?" He asks.
"Not the time, Nick. Why can't I open the door?" I asked as I trained my eyes on my front door.
"Because I'm not there yet... Obviously. You're drunk Camila, not incompetent." He chuckled.
"What the fuck does that mean?" I say exasperated.
"Goodness, have you gotten sassy." I listen carefully and hear him speeding down the road, honking every now and then and yelling at some innocent driver. He hasn't changed one bit. I can't tell if what I'm feeling is positive or negative towards him, something that also brought a feeling of nostalgia over me. I'll just conclude that overall hearing from Nick after all this time gave an overall positive energy for me. However, his stupid giddy laugh currently gave me anxiety over our current situation.
"Dad, I'm drunk don't do this to me." I whined, hoping he'd give me some slack.
"It's your father, Alejandro. He wants to chat. Up to you if you want to open that door or not." He says quickly.
"I'd rather go to sleep and wait for my girlfriend to call." I grumble.
"Oh! You have a girlfriend now! How exciting!" I do my best not to smile or roll my eyes, but this man was just so charismatic.
"Again, not the time." I held my breath thinking my next words over, slightly pausing before giving in and giggled, smiling. "But it's amazing, I swear I'm in love." I gushed like a little school girl. I hear Nick laugh at my giddiness, but our moment is broken when I hear Alejandro yelling through my door. I whined again like a child and drag myself to the front door. "Get here fast please, I don't want to deal with him alone for long."
"Oh so you're actually opening it." He faked his surprise to which I mocked him back to irritate him.
"If I don't I'll have to deal with the neighbors too." There was a slight pause.
"Good point. I'll see you soon, love. Love you."
"Love you too." I say before swinging my door open, grinning at my pathetic excuse of a biological father. "So... Drink?"

Zayn's POV
"So... This plan of yours?" I ask Brad as we sit in his car, parked in front of Camila's apartment. We followed behind Alejandro's partially swerving car from the club after anonymously leaving a piece of paper, stating his beloved child's address, on his windshield. I was thankful tonight that it wasn't my car that was being put a risk. I sigh leaning back in the passengers seat and look over at Brad expectantly. We stare at one another a little longer before he realizes I'm waiting for his 'grand plan', jumping up in his seat, excited to let me into his feeble mind.
"So we get both of her dad's there right?" I nod. "And we wait till she picks a side." I nod again. "And then we take out Nick." I promise you, in that moment, I tried my best to keep myself from strangling the dumbass across from me. For a man who got himself thrown in jail... Actually I expected this from him, why am I not surprised?
"That's it?" I ask. "Just take him out right in front of Mr. Cabello?" He nods. "And Camila?" He nods again. "That's stupid." I tell him bluntly. "Not only is it not an actual plan but you would literally and easily get us in jail, dumbass." I almost yell.
"You have a better one?" He grumbles like a child, crossing his arms, pouting and everything.
"How can I have a plan when you already fucked it up?" I yell.
"I don't know you're the smart one!" He yelled back.
"For fucks sake!... Fine, we wait this out, we see how this plays out, but from now on, I call the shots you got that?" Brad rolls his eyes and agrees not wanting to fight anymore. I sigh and turn my eyes back to the apartment. We had followed Mr. Cabello here once we anonymously tipped him to where he was. We knew that one of Nick's guards were always watching over Camila, knowing to only contact him when necessary. I knew that Camila and Nick were close, I knew it from the moment I observed Camila work with him.
In fact that's how I knew Camila began working for him before me those years ago. It wasn't all that bad and I'll admit, Camila did help me rise in the ranks. She got me to work in the same department as her but over time I only saw the back of her head, even when I was able to catch up eventually, I would still eventually end up a few steps behind her. I never hated her for being better, but my jealousy consumed me. I love and hate her and honestly to this day I still have that feeling towards her. I just want to be ahead of her, I want to be better than her. I was tired of hearing my father compare me to her, so just as I sabotaged Nick's operations I went ahead and sabotaged Camila's progress.
When I saw that Camila was back in the BDSM scene I just made a quick call to Alejandro, telling him that I was concerned about her well being. I told him a lie or two about her work at the club and it was enough to get him furious and raging. It wasn't long until he showed up, but as always I underestimate Camila. I was hoping that with all the dominos in place I'll be sending Camila and her father back with the worms. My father and I deserved better and with the help of my new friends I'm sure it won't take too long.
"I honestly can't wait for everything to fall into place. Soon we'll be the big shots, we'll own Cabello industries, all of that Nick guy's stuff and I can steal Sinister Desires from those two whores." I try not to roll my eyes at Brad's never ending monologue. He's been saying the same thing ever since he got out of jail for domestic abuse. My friend and I found him piss drunk on the side of the street and decided to give him a new start to life. However, as the months went by we grew to regret our decision. I wasn't one to agree with murder but my friend was not as merciful.
"Yeah, well let's take it easy shall we?" I say. I finally notice a black classic 1969 mustang, rev up into the parking lot. I sat up, Brad not noticing that target three finally arrived. I watch as Nick doesn't waste anytime getting out of his car and straight into the apartment complex. I turn to Brad and see he's keeping himself busy with his phone and roll my eyes. "I'll be back." I mutter quickly and leave the car, Brad just waving me off. I quickly follow the man, I once looked up to, up towards Camila's apartment floor. I stopped behind a corner, looking over to see no sign of Nick.
     "Great..." I think to myself, looking around. "I'll just have to wait it out..."
     "Brad better not leave me." I mumble under my breath.

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