First Date Nerves I

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Camila's POV
What did I agree to? That's all that I could think of when I was dragged from store to store by Dinah and Ally. I've tried who knows how many outfits, I've bought who knows how many clothes, I've never felt so fucking tired in such little time. I plopped down on a random bench in front of some store Dinah claims I need to go into. Maybe I shouldn't have told them about anything. I groan when I see Dinah march over to me, a look of determination plastered on her face.
"Mila, get up! We're not done yet!" She yells.
"No, nope, I believe we are. Look how much shit we bought!" I yell as I gesture to all the countless bags.
"So? Some of it are mine and Ally's." Dinah shrugs. My eye twitches.
"I'm carrying it all." I say through gritted teeth.
"I mean you always say you're the man and how you don't need help." Dinah pats my cheek. "So here you go."
"I didn't mean it like that..." I mumble and she just laughs in my face. Lovely.
"Whatever, now come on! Ally already has an outfit waiting for you!" They're so excited. It's cute and annoying all at once. I really and I mean really want to hate them right now but I can't. They've honestly been really helpful, but these nerves I have right now. I haven't really been on dates and I've never wanted for one to turn out well so much as I do for this one with Lauren. So me being me I try to brush it off as no big deal.
"It's just the first date with Lauren... why do we need so many outfits? I was just going to—"
"What? Bring her to a restaurant and then take her home? Can you be anymore basic?"
"No..." We stare at each other. Five seconds pass. Ten seconds. A minute passes. Dinah gets closer and stares deep into my eyes. Another minute passes. Two. Three. And then I'm whacked on the back of my head.
"You totally fucking were weren't you!" I rub my head trying to sooth the pain; wondering how I'm going to plan the funeral of the brain cells I just lost.
     "At first yes because I was at a loss of what to do."
     "And now?"
     "I have an idea. She wants something real. She wants love. She wants me." I smile.
     "What is that supposed to mean?" Dinah says grunting as she picks up half the bags and begins to walk to the store. I quickly pick up the rest and run after her.
     "It means... I want her to see the real me."
     "Everything?" I nod. "Everything, everything? I mean... You ready?" I shake my head. "Is she's worth it to you." I can only smile and nod. "Well Lauren is one lucky bitch cause not even me and Ally know everything." We both laugh and I try to follow what exactly her and Ally have chosen for my date tonight. It was hard to put into words. Lauren was worth it, more than I could express, something in me just told me that I could trust her. As I mindlessly walked through the isles, blindly following behind Dinah, I thought back to how Lauren and I left one another the night of the club.
We had enjoyed a drink or two at the bar, creating small talk about how we reached our current positions. Sure we kept it general and vague but it was one of the few conversations we actually had. I had learned about her parents and her siblings, how their parents had such big plans for them that never really appealed to them. Her and her siblings all went their separate ways doing their own thing. Her youngest brother, Chris, became an active duty soldier in the Army, working towards becoming a Drill Sergeant. Her younger sister, Taylor, became a primary teacher working at a school out in New York. They all ended up in different parts of the world away from one another. Lauren mentioned how she missed them dearly but knew they all just wanted different things. She confidently said that they'd see each other again some day and I didn't doubt her for a minute.
     Due to us being on the topics of siblings I told her about my lil Sofi. I hadn't seen her, much less spoken to her, since I left. I missed her dearly but knew right now my parents wouldn't let me anywhere near her. Just as confident as Lauren was about seeing her siblings I was confident I wouldn't be able to see mine. Since my leaving my parents decided that in order for me to focus on my goals and finish as soon as possible, my reward would go be able to have contact with Sofi again. It broke my heart when I said goodbye to her; I made sure to promise her that I'd be back as soon as I could. Next thing I knew though my parents cut me off, making it almost impossible to get by. I had a feeling it was their way of punishing me and it angered me to no end. In fact it still angered me to this day, especially when I had confided in Lauren about it.
Lauren was smart though, letting me hash out my anger a bit before steering me into a different topic. We learned most of the surface facts of one another and dug a little deeper. Since then we've been talking almost nonstop. Texting when we have time in our day, visiting one another, all the vanilla in a growing relationship and it was nice. I truly enjoyed it. The more I spent time with her the more I became sure of her position in my life. I didn't want her to be a temporary thing and I can only hope that she was starting to feel the same too. We just had this bond, this chemistry that feels right and invincible, impenetrable. I don't want to sound cliché but it felt like we perfectly fit together but at the same time its way too early for us to decided and know for sure. I want her to be sure. Always.

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