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I glanced at the clock, my nerves panicking that I might be late. Apparently I looked as nervous as I felt, because Alex felt the need to laugh at me.

"You're such a party virgin." He chuckled, sliding on a pair of American flag skinnies.

"Do you wanna play the virgin game, Alex? Do you really want to? Because there are a thousand things that you've never done that I do on a daily basis, my friend."

He rolled his eyes as I switched from my lazy day sweatpants to black skinny jeans. "I'm saving myself, thank you very much."

"Senior virgin. Classy." I complimented, tugging a solid black Glamour Kills sweatshirt and ran my fingers through my hair, quiffing it up. I sat on my bed and unlaced my pink Vans, slipping them on.

"Junior sex toy. Classic." Alex grabbed his keys from my dresser and opened my door, gesturing that he was ready.

I sighed. "How are we even friends?" I stood and watched as he shrugged and made a motion for me to hurry up. We made it halfway out of my house when I stopped.

"Wait stop."

"Whyyyyy?" He whined, stomping his foot.

I shot him a look. "I forgot my flower crown." I turned on my heel and shot up the stairs.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE INTO THE STEREOTYPICAL GAY MAN?" Alex screamed from downstairs as I grabbed my pink rosebud crown.


There were at least fifty cars crowded beside the old train tracks. A roaring fire stretched over everyone's heads and granted a wonderful heat on the cold November night. A chorus of laughter and shouts came from the direction of the fire and all my worries seemed to vanish. Maybe this wouldn't be so horrible after all.

Shit, was I wrong.


decided to leave you there bc I'm a bitch and love to see you all suffer


Question: Virgin or nah? If so, how long do you wanna wait?

Answer: lmao I write gay shit what do you think

I think I'll keep mine forever and lock it in a box bc I don't want anyone to see me naked bYE

I feel like I'm totally ruining this story ugh I'm mad

peace out girl scouts


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