Chapter 13: The Tournament Continues: The tale of two nobles

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When Edgar climbed back onto the stands, he was greeted by a friendly hug from Riley who was so happy that he had won. He was a little taken aback by the physical contact from a woman, but he was pleased, nonetheless.

Edgar didn't miss the snarl that that jerk Cedric gave him when he walked back onto the stands, but he didn't let it bother him. Edgar vowed that he would beat Cedric, and he would do just that.

"Now for the next match! Alice Marcellus versus Rosalie Stanburg!" The crowd went absolutely wild at the announcement of Alice and Rosalie's match. Alice's many admirers threw flowers into the arena in her honour. Rosalie tried to keep in her scowl at the roses that were being thrown for Alice. She clenched her fist hard as she heard the crowd chanting Alice's name. Repeatedly she told herself to calm down; after today all Alice's admirers would be hers, after she beat Alice with the Stanburg family's secret casting spell, all the attention would be on her for once and not that vulgar tart Alice!

The two ladies stood in the middle of the arena a few meters apart. The loud gong marked the beginning of their match.

Rosalie took in a deep breath; this was her time to shine.

Alice took in a deep breath; it was time to show Rosalie her place.

Riley saw the fierce look in Alice's eyes and hoped she wouldn't be too hard Rosalie.

Edgar swooned at the sight of two such beautiful maidens battling in the arena.

The First Prince Geoffrey saw the beautiful lady Alice Marcellus. He remembered that she had been a very gifted fire magic user, he sighed and hoped that she would be better than the previous fire user... who had been beaten rather badly by that surprisingly good commoner.

Then his eyes settled on the girl with the dark hair, the healer his brother had told him about. Geoffrey didn't believe in things he couldn't see, so he hadn't taken his brothers words quite at face value, he would see what she was really made of in the arena.

Please little healer... impress me.

Rosalie immediately began with her trump card, "Oh fresh spirits of Spring, once more I beseech you to grant upon the noble house of Stanburg the blossoming beauty of your divine flowers..." everybody was immediately enthralled with her pre-casting ritual. The dust at her feet started to rise and beautiful wisps of what looked like pink smoke swished and swirled around her. Slowly a divine fragrance washed over the arena, the smell of blossoming flowers, a beautiful garden blooming spring.

Rosalie smiled smugly as she heard people starting to chant her names and as she heard people uttering
"That fragrance..."
"It is as if spring has come!"
"What a beautiful and powerful lady..."

"Ah! It has been a while since I have seen the Stanburg family spell." Chuckled the king amused that someone so young could have mastered such a technique.

"Spirits heavenly flower garden!" Chanted Rosalie, loving the feel of everybody's eyes on her.

The thin wisps of pink smoke suddenly expanded and within the film of smoke small flowers started to bloom, within. In a matter of seconds, a heavenly garden of floating flowers had appeared in the arena, the arena was filled with the awesome colours of pink roses, violets, daisies, tulips and orchids. All of the flowers grew to about twenty times they normal size and stood as tall as Rosalie.

The crowd lost the minds at the beautiful display of power: they cheered and praised and clapped.

The guests of honour, the representatives of the kingdom of Malesh also took note of the wonderful spell. One of the princes of Malesh, leaned forward in his seat to get a better look at the amazing power he was seeing. He had never seen anything of that kind in his own kingdom. It was his first trip to the Girannon, and he as beginning to understand why Girannon had reigned victorious in the last Great War: this kingdom's magical power was incredible.

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