The Unwanteds

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After a few days after the Death Eater attack we were out of food again. Harry said that there was a line of seven islands coming up ahead. Out of them all on the map, the middle one was the largest, so we headed there in hopes of an actual grocery store instead of a mini mart.

We passed the first three islands and made it to the middle in no time at all. The island was protected by a humongous wall.

"Um, there is a huge wall in the way." Percy said, stating the obvious. We all rolled our eyes.

"Let's go around. Hopefully the wall stops at the other side." Katniss suggested. We nodded. After a couple more minutes we reached the other side of the island, and sure enough there were no walls. We all let out grateful sighs and let the anchor down. Once we are off of the boat I take a look around. There was an old tattered hut, and a large lake that looked like there was boiling oil inside. A bit farther on there was a small town that was made up of bleakly colored townhouses row after row.

We walked up to the old om and knocked on the door.

"I don't think that anyone's home" Katniss said after a couple minutes. I nodded and leaned my hand against the door. Then I fell through the unlocked door. All of a sudden I was transported into another world that was even more colorful than the open ceremonies for Foxfire academy. There was a forest with lots of weird animals, and a castle, and statues everywhere! Wait, why are the statues moving? A huge winged cheetah thing started to walk toward me, so naturally I shrieked. It came so close that it's breath blew my hair back.

"Who arrrrrrre you?" The statue asked.

"I-I'm Sophie Foster." I said nervously. "Do you know w-where the other world went?" I asked, feeling kind of dumb. How was a statue supposed to know where the bleak place was? I then heard three surprised shouts.

"Sophie?" Harry asked. I nodded.

"Ah! What the heck is that thing?" Percy cried. The lion statue purred in amusement, then put it's guard back up.

"My name is Simber, and I'm Artemè's protector. What do you want?" Simber asked.

"Um, do you guys have any food or drinks here? I could settle for blue lemonade, or some sandwiches dyed blue!" Per asked. I rolled my eyes with Katniss as Harry licked his lips while nodding his head. Simber gave us a quizzical look and then told us to follow him. We entered the building to find lots of girls, boys, women and children. There was a corridor to the left of us that had only females standing there. The boys were staring at an empty wall with curious gazes. In front of us was a large and long corridor. Simber walked right through it, so Harry, Percy and I followed, but Katniss didn't.

"Come on Katniss!" Harry yelled.

"How are you walking through that mirror?" She replied. She then tried to walk through the pathway, but then hit an invisible wall and fell on her butt.

"Ah, miss Katniss cannot pass through. One of you stay here then." Simber said. Harry decided to stay behind, leaving just Percy and I to follow the statue. The corridor wasn't too long. Simber led us into a room that had a bunch of computer-like screens and a desk. The screens showed a place that looked a lot like the bleak land we were on before.

"Alex Stowe! We have some visitorrrrrrs!" Simber roared.

"Let them in!" A young man's voice called back. Simber nodded toward a door and Percy took the lead.

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