New Familiars-To-Be

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"Quit staring, Pine Tree. I don't want to melt."

Dipper blinked at the playful voice that belonged to the blond teen before him. 'Oh, was I staring for too long?,' Dipper questioned himself. He'd have to break his habit of staring at every attractive man. Seriously.

The golden-eyed teen kept his strong, yet gentle grip on the boy. His eyes stared back at the brunet, making blood rush to his face, giving his fair skin a pink tint.

"Oh! Are you that excited for me tasting your blood? Well, we can't do it here, so you'll just have to wait, Pine Tree," the playful teen confidently spoke, not at all bothered by how he made Dipper blush uncontrollably.

"N-No! J-J-Just let go of me! I'll be fine on my own!," Dipper complained, embarrassed. He tried his best to squirm away from the older teen's hold. And what's with the weird nickname?

"Hell no! I finally got something interesting to play with, so no." The obnoxious blond teen laughed, high-pitched voice echoing through the empty hallways.

'Why the hell is everyone gone, anyway?... Right.' They're currently at the cafeteria, eating to fill up their stomachs. Honestly, he was jealous of the students eating already. And his day couldn't stop getting better, with him meeting different types of perverts.

"Let m-me go! If you don't... I'll use force!," Dipper threatened the teen. He wanted to eat, go back to class, and take a little nap. Sadly, with this teen around, he couldn't do that.

"Relax, kid! Jeez... You're so violent for a sapling. I just wanted to repay you for my brother. Think of it as an apology for what happened earlier," the unknown teen assured, releasing the boy afterwards.

"Huh? O-Oh! You're the one who bumped into me earlier!," Dipper finally realized, suddenly remembering Will.

"S-So, you're Will's brother?," Dipper asked, eyeballing the blond.

"Yes. My name's Bill Cipher! Nice to meet ya, Pine Tree!," the teen cheerfully said, taking Dipper's right hand and kissing it gently, where the yellow triangular symbol was.

"I'm Mason Pines. Call me Dipper, not that stupid nickname," the brunet complained, rather than properly introducing himself.

"Yes, yes. Whatever you say, Pine Tree. Now, come with me. Will and I want to treat you with lunch as an apology." The teen didn't listen to the brunet as he pulled him towards the cafeteria.

"I have a name," Dipper said, tired of complaining.

"Yes, it's Pine Tree," Bill answered.

Dipper just sighed as he let himself be dragged towards the cafeteria.


The cafeteria was surely packed, filled with students chatting here and there. Some students seated themselves at the tables comfortably while eating, relieved that the classes were over. Some were still lined up and buying their food, agitated to eat their lunch already.

Dipper spotted a table with three chairs. He quickly recognized the teen with baby blue hair seated in one of the chairs with his hands placed on top of the table as Will, and he gave the blue-eyed teen a friendly wave.

The other seemed to recognize him and gave a friendly wave back as he beckoned him over to sit in one of the chairs. Dipper gratefully took the offer, comfortably seating himself, and smiled at Will.

"Hi, Dipper. I'm sorry to bother you during lunch time...," the electric blue-eyed boy apologized. Seeing this, the brunet seated in front of him raised a confused brow at the sudden apology.

"Oh, I'm not bothered at all. In fact, I'm happy you invited me to have lunch with you guys," Dipper assured Will, smiling sincerely.

"I'm glad to hear that, then. Bill wanted to apologize to you for earlier and talk about something important. I'll go get us some food, so I'm leaving you alone with Bill for a while. I hope you don't mind." With that, Will stood up and left, leaving him alone with Bill.

Bill sat in front of Dipper, still grinning widely. Dipper was honestly surprised that Bill's face was still intact with how wide he was grinning.

"Now that we're alone, I want to apologize for bumping into you earlier. I was just in a hurry, so I'm really sorry," Bill said, leaving out the fact that he and Will had a little competition over who's going to get called a moldy Dorito.

Dipper was taken aback by the sincerity in the teen's voice. He didn't know he could actually apologize because of Dipper's first impression of him. A lunatic. An incredibly handsome lunatic. Now that Dipper heard the apology, he was actually changing his opinions, even if it was just for a little bit.

"Um... I already forgave you. So, no need to apologize, really," Dipper told Bill. He was never really the type to actually hold grudges.

"Really? Oh, great! So we can be friends now? Please, Pine Tree?," the blond begged the smaller teen childishly.

"Alright. I can be your friend, don't worry." The brunet giggled, not noticing the other teen staring at him in pure amazement.

"So, what do you and Will want to talk to me about?," the smaller teen asked, curious to know what it could be.

"Oh, we can discuss that when Will comes back," the golden-eyed teen answered, not talking about anything after that, even dropping his grin.

Whatever it was, it must be pretty important.

After a while, Will came back with three floating trays of food, carefully placing each one on the table. Dipper thanked the blue-haired male gratefully, not wasting time on carefully eating his food, chewing and savouring the taste.

They ate in silence, talking about random things and laughing at a joke Bill made every now and then. Soon, they finished eating, and Dipper asked them again about their important business.

"So, what do you two want to talk to me about, anyway? You've seemed tense the whole time," the brunet observed suspiciously. Bill sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"First, you must promise to never freak out or scream. Second, keep this a secret. Can you do that, Pine Tree?," Bill listed off and asked Dipper. Dipper just nodded as he let them both continue.

"We're not humans. We are demons. Ones you've happened to summon. To repay you, we have to be your Familiars for the rest of your life, or else we'll force you to be our Master. Are you okay with that, Pine Tree?"

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