The Six-Fingered Grand Wizard

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That night, the the four people who in the dining area were arguing about something stupid. Or, at least, Dipper was the one arguing.

They all ate dinner together with such liveliness, something Dipper and Mabel hadn't felt since they left the Mystery Shack. As for the demon twins, it was a first for them. They're demons. They don't actually need to eat, but they could if they wanted to.

"Dipper, this is amazing. We wish you could cook for us more often now," Will complemented, smiling at the brunet. The complement made Dipper blush lightly and giggle, telling them they could come over whenever they wanted to.

"Of course they can, Dip-Dop. They're your husbands," Mabel teased her brother, grinning at his annoyed— yet bashful— face.

"Mabel, we aren't a thing. We are just friends. Besides, our grunkles would kill me if they found out that I'm having an intimate relationship with someone. Not that I really am, but still!," Dipper protested, eyebrows twitching in pure annoyance.

"Well, if you say so. Will, tell me how Dipper reacted when you kissed him. How did it it feel? Tell me!" Mabel stopped pestering her brother and instead interrogated Will, who was still eating his dinner in silence.

"Mabel, stop bothering him. I don't want to annoy hi—"

"N-No, it's okay for me to tell Mabel. I-Is it okay if I told her how it felt, Dipper?," Will asked unsurely, glancing Dipper's way.

"Okay... If you say so. Just don't blame me if she keeps on asking more questions," Dipper warned him, proceeding to eat his own meal. Will just nodded and told Mabel his experience.

"Well, it was... very sweet. His lips were very soft. I'm very glad that I was the one to steal his first kiss. And in that moment, the kiss was certainly electrifying. Honestly, I didn't really want to pull away. But, I could feel someone's deadly aura, so I had to pull away after a few moments," Will told Mabel truthfully, his face tinted a light shade of red.

Mabel squealed and shook Dipper's shoulders uncontrollably, making her younger twin slightly dizzy and push her away. After a few moments of ear-damaging screaming, she finally got over it and started to blurt out nonsense words.

"Oh my god! I didn't know that kisses feel exactly like the ones in romance novels! I'm so happy!" Mabel screamed once more and giggled.

"Mabel! Don't exaggerate things! I-It's nothing really special... Besides, I'm pretty sure Will doesn't swing that way." Dipper looked down, bashfully hiding his face away from everyone's stares.

Bill snorted and gently pinched Dipper's cheek, making Dipper involuntarily smile.

"Are you really sure about that, Pine Tree? We haven't told you our sexuality. Don't assume things quickly, you simpleton." Bill smirked as he held the brunet's face lightly with his gloved hands. Dipper blushed and pulled away from Bill while making an angry face.

"Aww, bro-bro, you look like a pouting kitten! You're so adorable!" Mabel giggled and poked her brother's face.

"Sh-Shut up, Mabel! I-I'm not adorable! I'm manly!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure of that with your height and baby face." Mabel rolled her eyes and grinned.

Dipper huffed and turned away from them, refusing to listen to the trio's conversation any further.

"Hey, Shooting Star, wanna know how Dipper reacted with his first French kiss?" Bill smirked and raised his brow.

"Hell yeah! Tell me how he reacted! This might be good black mail material." Mabel grinned evilly, looking at her brother, knowing he would look back anytime soon.

Dipper flinched when he heard the word 'blackmail' and snapped his head towards the trio's direction, scowling at Bill.

"Don't. You. Dare, Bill Cipher," Dipper threatened the demon. Bill just laughed and placed his arm on the brunet's shoulders, kissing his cheek.

"Relax, Pine Tree! I won't actually tell her! Well, unless if you allow me." The obnoxious blond grinned toothily at Dipper.

"No. And no means, well, no," Dipper refused and pulled away from Bill, getting up to clean the dishes.

"Aww, boo. You're no fun..." Bill put on a fake sad face and got up. Will followed suit and placed the chairs in their correct order.

"W-Well, it was nice to meet you, Mabel. And Dipper, sorry for the bother, and my brother," Will apologized.

"I'm pleased to have met you too, Will. Feel free to come anytime you want to. No, you're not a bother at all. I'm pretty sure Dipper loved your company," Mabel assured him. Will smiled and told Bill to go ahead of him.

"Why?," Bill asked.

"I want to help Dipper do the dishes."

"No way, you only want to score some points off of him. You actually want to be his favourite. I'm joining you two." Bill glared at Will, who looked angry. It was very unusual.

"No, I don't. Fine, you can come then. You're actually thinking the same." Will glared back, a dark aura surrounding both demons.

"I kinda smell something... Is it a love triangle?!," Mabel butted into the argument.

"No. You two can go home now. I'm gonna do some preparations for tomorrow. I want you two to have a rest. That's an order. I'll meet up with you tomorrow." Dipper stopped them from ripping each other's throats.

The two demons calmed down upon hearing Dipper's voice and silently agreed. Mabel sighed as she felt that her help as the 'love expert' will be needed tomorrow.

They went out the door and headed for their own dorm room. Unknown to them, a dark figure turned to their direction when the dark aura was released, smiling evilly.

The Next Morning

The Pines woke up early. Dipper checked the mailbox and was surprised to see a letter with a seal that was familiar to him. Smiling, he called Mabel to come over.

"Mabel! A letter from Grunkle Ford! And Stan! Come here!," Dipper yelled excitedly to his twin, his heart beating rapidly.

   "What?! Hold up! I'm coming!," Mabel yelled back, and in seconds, she was beside Dipper, eyeing the the elegant envelope with the red seal bearing a six-fingered hand. 

   Dipper went to the closet to grab a small pocket knife that he used to neatly open the letter. 

Inside, it read: 

Dear Dipper and Mabel,

   Hello, this is your Grunkle Ford. I wanted to know how you two are doing at your new school. I can't know for sure how you're faring, so I'm going to visit you two personally. Stan is coming too. We'll be there in two days. Be sure not to cause any trouble. Oh, tell Mabel that we found the perfect familiar just for her. Dipper, we couldn't find you any though. We apologize. You can find anything to be your familiar, but be sure that they are trustworthy and harmless. We couldn't find you any because of the fact that you are allergic to animals. However, we'll make it up to you by bringing you my fourth journal. I'm sure that you'll love it. 


P.S. This part is by Stanley! How are you doing, kiddos? I'm sure you're doing great. Anyways, we'll be seeing you in two days. Until then, take care. Love you two!


   "Wow! They're coming back! I'm so excited!" Mabel jumped up and down. 

   "Yes! The fourth journal! I've been waiting for it for a long time now. And I missed those two! I'm glad they get along well now," Dipper celebrated alongside Mabel. 

  They jumped up and down until Dipper realized something. 

   His Grunkle Ford forbade him to make a bond with a demon. And he did just that. 

   With not just one, but two demons. He was so screwed. 

   How is he supposed to hide them from his grunkles?

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