Fear Is Logical

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   Dipper cringed and pleaded with his eyes for the two parties to calm down and avoid violence. However, he could tell by the look in Bill's eyes that there was no way getting around this. He sighed, then turned away. He felt shame for not actually trying to avoid a fight, but promised himself he'd intervene if things got out of hand to make him feel better.

   Tyrone tensed and backed up a bit as the two demons approached. He didn't know what their capabilities were, but the fact that they were way taller than him already made him nervous. Still, he wasn't a coward. If he turned out to be the looser, it would be on the terms that they deemed him harmed enough, and not that he'd stepped down from his high horse.

   Surprisingly and suddenly, Will's face contorted as he muttered something and swung his arm out. A huge ball of flames came hurling in Tyrone's way, and to the side, Dipper's heart stopped.

   "Don't kill him! What the fuck, Will?!," Bill screeched. Will glared at him for a moment, then grumbled about the look on "the kid's" face ticking him off as he returned to his brother's side. Bill pinched his side, making him squeak, which seemed to satisfy the blond as he turned back to Tyrone. Who was, by the way, almost perfectly fine. Just a slightly singed arm where the fire hit him when he failed to dodge in time.

   Dipper thanked the gods that the both of them didn't have the idea in their heads to absolutely decimate his cousin, letting his body relax as he let out a long sigh of relief. He called out to them, his hopes up. "A-Are you guys done fighting, now? I think you've scared him enough..."

   Will looked over his shoulder at Dipper. Bill kept his gaze on Tyrone, obviously still wanting to beat the crap out of him.

   "Dipper... I— Barely anything happened!," he shouted over.

   Dipper pushed himself against the wall, uncomfortable. He didn't think the issue was such a big deal. Sure, it wasn't the most enjoyable, but it's not that hard to deal with, right? He was sure he could convince Tyrone that his actions were irrational.

   Bill pulled Will forward so he'd focus on fighting again, not giving Dipper any time to plead with them to just let it go.

   Tyrone scowled and shouted a few obscenities at the two, making Bill charge forward with his arms outstretched for the other's throat.

   Will hissed and flicked his wrist, lighting his own hand on fire. He walked forward more calmly than Bill, momentarily content with just being backup.

   Tyrone was immediately thrown to the ground by the demon's weight, and grunted as his body slapped the ground. Bill punched him in the face, hard. Tyrone grit his teeth and kicked at Bills belly in an attempt to get him off. It didn't really work, but he could tell that it hurt, so he persisted. Eventually, Bill got tired of only being able to blindly punch thanks to the hands pushing on his face and rolled off. Unfortunately for Gleeful, though, Will was almost desperate to vent his pent up violent nature.

   Will immediately slammed his fist into the teenager's gut. The flames engulfing his hand burned the other's skin, leaving what would soon be a patch of blisters. Tyrone cursed at him in a shrill voice and kicked him in the face, then took the temporary lapse in attacks to get back on his feet.

   Will growled at him, but Bill pushed him behind him and told Tyrone to just screw off. "Here's your damn chance, kid, before I break both your legs."

   Tyrone glanced over at Dipper, who was clearly not enjoying the fighting. Maybe giving up would be worth it for his relief that it was over so quickly. He then backed up a tiny bit, staring the twins straight in the eyes, and turned to run. Will glared at Bill, but the blond simply flicked his brother's nose and walked over to Dipper. Will rolled his eyes and followed.

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