Chapter 3: The Squeals Over a Phone Number

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James' POV:

  I came out of Starbucks with the widest grin on my face. I think I just met her. The girl of my dreams. I mean she's really beautiful and she seems really kind. I just wish I would be able to see her again. 

"You seem happy there mate!"

The sound of my brother's voice got me out of my trance and I said "You'd have the same reaction when you meet the beautiful girl I just met earlier."

"Funny you said that because I just met a girl earlier too."

My eyes widened at this and I said "You too? How is she?"

'Beautiful.... Kind.... And I think a bit clumsy." I could instantly tell that he's kinda into her already.

"What made you say so?"

"She dropped her wallet and that's how I met her."

"Did you get her name?"

"Now that I think about it? Nope."

Darn, he just met a beautiful girl and he never asked for her name? "Well as for me I asked for her name."

"What's her name then?"

"Abi Wilson and I have her number" I said as I waved my iphone in front of Oliver's face.

" Yeah yeah I get it, you're better at getting girl than me" Oliver said, sounding somewhat annoyed.

"Hey don't worry mate" I said comfortingly as I rubbed his back "You might be able to see her soon enough."

I wonder if that's even possible especially with our busy schedule. But whoever she is, I hope he sees her. She might as well help him get over his last heartbreak.


Meg's POV:


"Hihi yup! And he's SOOOO much hotter in person." I said and we both laughed.

Abi took a sip of he coffee and asked "How did you meet all of the sudden?"

"Well, he accidentaly bumped into me and then my wallet suddenly droped to the floor. Then he picked up just as I was about to."

"OM YOU GUYS ALMOST HELD HANDS?!" Abi said excitedly

"Yup" I said, giggling and blushing at the same time.

"AHHHHHH!!! OH MY GOSH I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" Abi screamed as she held my hand.

"Hihi thanks sis!" I said "But he did seem like he was in a hurry so he had to leave immediately."

"Without much of a goodbye? Not very gentle-manly I must say."

I laughed and said "Come on Abi! He did!:

"What did he say then?"

"He said 'Excuse me I have to go' then there!" I said then Abi made this almost disgusted look on her face.

"Come on Abi! It's not as if it's that bad right?" I said

"Well to think about it.... AT LEAST MINE SAID GOODBYE!" Abi said as she made a face

"What do you mean?"

That was when she started to get all excited "OMGYOUWONTBELIEVEMEWHENISAYTHATIMETJAMESPHELPSANDAHHHH!" She said all this rally fast. I didn't really understand her at first but the only thing I understood was James Phelps.

"Wait, wait... James Phelps? What about him?"

"Ugh you're so slow at times!" Abi said "I saaaaid I met James Phelps at this very corner!"

"WH-WHAT?!" I screamed and she just nodded... Then suddenly we started screaming and hugging like maniacs but we didn't care. WE JUST MET THE PHELPS TWINS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Of course we'd be that excited!

"What did he say to you?" I asked as we settled down.

"Well, he called me beautiful and you know we like the same type pf music? His ringtone was playing my favorite song!"

"That's just so cool! And wait, he called you beautiful?! WOW HE JUST FLIRTED WITH YOU SIS!" I said as I giggled madly.

"I know!" Abi said smiling and blushing at the same time "And you know what he even asked me for my number!"

"OMG So you're textnmates now?!" I said. I couldn't believe our luck! "That's just so cool!"

"Yeah.. I sure wish we could meet them again!"

I sighed and said "Yeah me too".... I really hope so since we already have a better chance with Abi having James' phone number. I wanna see him again.... 

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