Chapter 1

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"Briley! I am thirsty and I know you are to! Please just stop for water we'll be fast!" Aivlee kept begging but I just ignored her. Aivlee is right I am thirsty but the Glass moon pack almost found us an hour ago! There's no doubt that they are close.

"Look there's water right there! Why don't we just stop for a short while?" Aivlee whines a lot! I looked over at the small pond it's not far to the left its about hundred meters away. The water in the pond looks like its dancing with the sun shining on it. I can't help but imagine how good it would taste right now!

"Ugg! Fine you win! But only for a second! No longer!" I can tell how happy Aivlee is she is practically jumping already. Aivlee and I have been traveling in my human form since it's easier to hide from the guards of the glass moon pack and hunters in the trees.

I quickly walked to the small pond and we drank and drank and drank. We didn't stop for like two minutes.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Aivlee and she immediately whined. "More wolves! We should go Briley like now!" I felt Aivlee get scared and to be honest I'm a little frightened myself!

I ran to the nearest tree that has a lot of places to hide and climbed on it! As soon as I was well hidden, I peeked a little to see if anyone comes by.

It wasn't long before a bunch of male wolves came jogging past the pond. There was about twelve of them. And Can I just say one of them smelt like honey and wood! Wow! I wonder who smells this good!

I could tell that Aivlee smelt it too because she got excited and accidentally let out a growl. All the wolves stopped and looked at each other. One with a black T-shirt walked closer to the pond to try and see what made that sound. I stayed as still and quiet as possible but Aivlee had other plans. She howled so loud that you could hear her miles away which meant that the glass moon pack would find me soon.

I have to get out of here now! But I can't go with these wolves here they'll see me!

"You guys go ahead and finish the training! I'll catch up in a minute!" I heard one of the wolves say. When I slowly peeked out so see Who spoke I saw the wolf in the black shirt sit down on the green grass next to the pond. "You can come out now little wolf! I heard your howl and it was close!" He said as he looked down at a piece of grass he had picked up off the ground. I stayed where I was even though Aivlee didn't want to.

"Come on Briley! That's mate down there! We have to go meet him!" Aivlee whined as usual but this time I was actually considering what she said.

"Don't make me wait little wolf! An alpha only has that much patience." He spoke again picking more grass from the ground.

"Omg! He's an alpha! There is no way we are going down there! He will make me join his pack! And I did not escape one pack just to join another one!" Aivlee did not like what I just told her but she also didn't want to join another pack.

"Look I know that joining another pack is not something we want and we can tell him that we won't join him! But we can at least go meet him!" Aivlee is making a good point. We could just tell him we won't join his pack. I mean he will allow that right? He has to!

I slowly jump down the back of the tree still not showing Myself to him.

I then slowly came out from behind the tree. The wolf sitting on the grass immediately looked up when I was completely out from behind the tree.

"Um... Hi" I said my voice sounding weak! I haven't spoken to an actual person in a very long time.

"Hi!" He sounds cheery. He has the most beautiful grey eyes! They are mesmerizing!

"I'm Eben!" He smiled at me and my heart started beating fast! Why in the heck is my heart beating to fast he only smiled.

"Oh um... I-I'm Briley." I started blushing and looked down. I heard leaves cracking and when I looked up from the ground, He was right in front of me. I got a fright and jumped back making him Whine like a little pup.

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to scare you!" He said looking at me with sad eyes. I could tell that he was worried that I might run off.

"It's okay! I uh... I wasn't expecting you to suddenly be there." I could feel my cheeks go red so I looked away from him. "You are beautiful!" Eben said as he put his hand on my cheek to make me look at him and for some reason, I liked his touch.

"You'd make a perfect Luna!" Eben got excited and smirked. "Oh um... about that... I am kind of a rogue and I want to stay one! I only came out here to tell you that I'm not joining any packs! I'm done with the whole pack thing..." I tried saying it as gently as I could and smiled but I can see that it still hurt him.

"No way!" Eben said more serious now. "You have to come with me!" He looked at me with a neutral expression.

"You can't make me! I'm not yours!" I turned around and started walking away.

He grabbed me around the waist and picked me up onto his shoulder. I tried to break free of him but he is just to strong! He started walking in the direction that the others wolves ran in and the more I struggled the tighter he held me. And in away him carrying me kind of made me feel safe even though I know it shouldn't!


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