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I have been sprinting for about an hour now. I feel extremely drained of energy almost like the way you feel when you haven't eaten all day and your blood pressure is low. But I just ignore the feeling and keep going! I know if I slow down now it will only give Eben a bigger chance at finding me.

I have to keep sniffing the air but not only to avoid Eben and his guards but to avoid my old pack members as well!

Eben will punish me for leaving if he ever finds me! He will hit me and lock me up without food! The thought of this makes me run even faster. I know you are wondering why I don't just shift into my wolf so I can run faster and so my energy can come back to my human form. Well it's much easier to track a wolf because of our scents. It's also much easier to avoid leaving footprints in human form where it's almost impossible to avoid making them in wolf form!


Eben's POV

"Hey have you seen Briley?" the last I saw her was when she went to the bathroom about an hour ago. She hasn't come back yet and I'm starting to get worried about her!

"No, I'm afraid not! But I do know that she and Casey where in the bathroom together! I heard them talking when I walked past." a young-looking girl informs me and I know that I need to find Casey to ask her about Briley. I immediately turn around not thanking the girl. I am way to worried and have no time to thank anyone.

I finally find Casey buying cupped ice cream at a small but crowded booth.

"Where is Briley?" the worry clear in my voice.

"I don't know! She left the bathroom before I did! Haven't seen her since!" she smiles nervously and her heart rate speeds up.

She's lying.

"Casey I won't ask again!" I growl at her making her jump. "Where is she!" I whisper in her ear in my most dangerous tone of voice while tightly gripping her arm.

"She said she was going to be in the woods for a while..." Casey's eyes are nervously wandering away from mine. For some reason I feel like there is some truth behind what Casey just told me.

I let go of her arm and storm outside.

I catch Briley's scent and run into the woods. Not deep into the woods I see Briley's dress and I can spell her perfume strongly applied to it.

Damn it.

It's just the dress and the perfume bottle is gently placed on top of it. As realization crosses my mind, I Sprint back into the building that the festival is being held.

I run onto the stage which is placed in the far back of the building. I grab the mic from the DJ and whistle to grab everyone's attention. The music stops and all eyes turn to me.

"Everyone listen up! My mate Briley has run away!" There are gasps coming from all around the room.

"I need all available troops to go out immediately and search for my missing mate! She cannot be far! She has only been gone for about an hour! We will be able to catch up with her if you leave now!" I growl into the microphone to make sure all the wolves know I'm serious.

Wolves start to move out of the building in their usual troops as soon as I nod at them to leave. The rest of the wolves - normal pack members- look at me for guidance. They all seem unsure of what they must do.

"The rest of you may retire to your homes or in our guest's cases to the pack house! My pack members shall escort you to the pack house if you need assistance. If you do not know where your rooms are located feel free to ask around!" I nod at them as well and head off of the stage.

I go outside to my car and open the door. I slam the door shut after I get in. "Damn its Briley!" I put my elbows on the steering wheel and my head in my hands. I close my eyes and sniff in the scent of my mate that is still roaming around in my car.

After a few minutes I start the car and drive to the pack house keeping an eye out for incase I spot Briley along the way. I drove for at least 10 minutes before I arrive at the pack house. I climb out of my car and lock it. I walk into my office and close the door.

I sit down on my black and red chair behind my wooden desk and open my laptop pressing the on button. I check all of the pack security cameras to see if I can find the direction Briley went in. I know that Briley is a rogue and rogues are smart! She wouldn't make the mistake to leave her dress and perfume on the floor where I could easily find it.

It's not long until I hear a knock at my office door.

"Come in." I say flatly too busy looking at the camera footage to care about who is at the door.

"Eben?" I hear my beta's voice as the door opens.

"Yes Rayold?" My beta and I are best friends so we don't use our titles when we speak to each other. I still don't look up from my laptop.

"When you told me, you found your mate and that she is a rogue you sounded like you would be with her until the end of time. So why did she run away?" the confusion is clear in his voice.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"She seemed happy during our picnic and she was smiling the whole time today." I look up to meet Rayolds eyes.

"Am I not enough for her Rayold? Am I not a good enough person for her?" I try to hide the desperation in my voice but Rayold clearly heard it.

"You are more than enough! You are everything she would ever want! I know she has some other reason why she had to leave!" Rayold is trying to cheer me up but my mate running away from me will leave me broken until I find her again.

"Look I'm getting tired now... I appreciate what you said and all.... but I just can't do this without her! An alpha needs his Luna and so does this pack!" With that I get up from my desk and leave my office.


I took a shower as soon as I got to the room that was supposed to be shared between me and my mate. I am only wearing my shorts and my hair is wet hanging in my face.

I look out the window.

I can see the pack grounds from here. The silent night taunting me as if knowing my mate has run away.

"Make no mistake my little runaway mate! I WILL find you!"


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