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"Eben...I..." I don't know what to say... my head says to deny his request and run before he decides to hit me but my heart says to accept and stay here forever.

Should I go or stay...

I decide to stay here and see how this plays out after the picnic on the roof I'll decide whether I am going to stay here with my mate or leave his pack and keep being free from alphas.

"I guess it won't hurt." I give him a forced smile but he doesn't notice.

He pats an open spot next to him and he asks:

"Coke or ice tea?" He holds up both in the air making them go slightly up and down as he waits for me to decide between the dark fizzy drink or the light orange drink.

"Ice tea please." He nods and takes a clear glass cup from a brown weaved basket he had behind him. After he poured in the ice tea he handed it to me and I took a tip of the sweet delicious soft drink.

"I didn't really know what you like to eat so I just got a bunch of different things for you to choose from" he shrugs points to the food packed out on the blanket.

I pick up a bag of skittles and take some with my hand and then give the bag to Eben. He does the same and we eat the skittles while asking questions about each other, like our favorite snacks, candy, drinks and a bunch of other stuff.

We talked for what seemed like hours when I noticed the skye turned to a beautiful ocean of purple and orange colours.

I guess Eben saw me staring at the beautiful art work when he said:

"I knew you would like it!" He smiles like a little child that has been told he could have all the candy in the world. It's kind of cute. I mean oh gosh I can't believe what I'm thinking!

"Yeah! It's nice!" I smile back at him and look back at the skye.

"We should get going! I have a meeting with some people about the festival but I'll see you tonight?"

He kisses my cheek and I feel my face turning bright red so I look the other way as if something fascinating appeared and he just laughs.

When Ebens footsteps disappeared, I turned back to make sure he really did leave then I take out my phone and call Casey.

"Hey!" She answers the phone in a polite tone.

"Hey... um... can we meet up at a café I need to talk to you..." I say as simple as I could.

"Yeah sure! I'll send you the address of a really nice place!"

"Thanks! See you soon!" I press the end call button and hear a beep.

I check my texts and find the directions to the chosen café. I climb off the roof and head to the café.

I chose to rather go there in human form instead of wolf form. Aivlee isn't too happy about that but she just goes with it in any case.


After a ten-minute walk I finally arrive at a small friendly looking café. It has a few wooden tables outside with yellow and green umbrellas to provide shade. The little building in front of me is painted baby blue with pink window sills and rainbow coloured flowers around the whole building.

I find Casey sitting by a table in the corner with flowers as a center piece on the table. I greet her and a waitress asks me what I would like to drink. I decided to order a mango slushy and Casey asked for watermelon blast smoothie.

While we wait for our drinks to arrive at our table I ask:

"Are you willing to help me escape?" I have a sense of seriousness in my voice to make sure she knows I'm not joking.

"Wait! What!! Why are you leaving?" Casey almost shouts and everyone in the café stairs at us.

"Cas! Softer! It's just Eben is nice and all and I really love how your pack is with its members. I am just not used to this kind of thing and it scares me... So, I need your help to run away..." try to ignore the people looking at us.

None of them can hear us since Casey chose a human café but they still have their curiosities.

"What will Eben do to me if I help his mate run away from him! He will not show me mercy!"

"We need to think of a plan where someone can be a witness for you to confirm that you know nothing about me leaving..." I lean back on my chair and as I do the waitress brings our drinks.

"Thank you!" Casey says to the waitress. And to me she says:

"If I help you do this then I won't see you again!" She is sad.

"What if we text and meet up secretly still! And if Eben commands you tell him who your talking to you can say your mate! You can save my number as that too!" Casey smiles at this.

"You mean like Romeo and Juliet except for friends!" She laughs.

"And we won't die!" We laugh and I continue.

"So, I thought I have to wear a dress so Eben doesn't expect anything and then while he is busy, I go to the bathroom and you slip away to bring me some easy to run in clothes so I can change. I'll leave the dress with some of my deodorant on it in another direction to lead them away and give me more time!" Casey nods at my plan and says:

"If they ask me anything, I'll pretend to be too drunk to know anything. But are you sure you want this Briley? Are you 100% certain about running?"

She seems really concerned for me.

"Yes! I am sure! Even though my wolf doesn't want to do this I head is telling me it would be dumb to let an alpha claim me and then hurt me." I look down at my half empty slushy and slowly mix it with my straw.

"He won't hurt you! Even though he has the title of alpha from the strongest pack in the world He is kind and loving to his pack and I can tell by the way he looks at you that he already sees you as part of his pack!" Casey sounds uncertain of helping me.

"Like I said I'm not used to all this attention and I'm afraid of it..." Cas please help me!" I beg her.

"Fine! But if Eben commands me to tell him you know I won't be able to resist!" An alphas command is so strong you can't disobey it! Your wolf is unable to resist.

"I know and that's fine! I just need you to bring the clothes!" I say.

"Whatever. What will you wear to the festival? "

"No clue! I still have to find something nice." I shrug. Since I'm a rogue I don't have any clothes with me especially nice ones I can wear to festivals. I have always just worn my blue jean shorts and an oversized pink t-shirt.

"Well then we have to go buy Something!" Casey seems way to exited.

"Um... no Cas its really fine I can just borrow a dress or something! No need to buy one!"

"No, we have to! And Eben can pay!" She laughs evilly.

"It's getting late we should go tomorrow morning! I really am tired now!" I smile at Casey's evilness.

Casey and I say our goodbyes and we leave the café. I head to the pack house. The skye has turned dark and I can see the stars all over. The moon is bright and half. It looks so small from here!

I reach the pack house and head to Eben and my room. I enter and find the room empty. He must still be at the meetings.

I take a shower and go into the huge closet to look for some clothes to sleep in. I find a bunch of guy clothes and decide on wearing just an oversized shirt to bed. It smells of Eben and I'm not going to lie I kind of like it.

I climb into to bed covering myself with a soft white cotton sheet. The pillows are so fluffy and soft! I forgot how amazing they can be!

I easily fall asleep in my comfortable position with the amazing scent of my mate roaming around me!


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