Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first story. I had a sudden really good idea, and had to try it. I really appreciate if one person would even read this story. Thanks so much, and here it is....

       My best friend and I are extremely close. Like were never apart close. And what the best thing is, we have the exact same name. Meet my best friend, Hannah Payne. Shes 14, and im 15. Were about a year and a half apart. I was the first one in Wolverhampton on my street. She ended up moving into the house next to me when we were both 2 years old. All I remember is that I hated her. I thought she was the worst person alive to come and live on my street and have steal my name. One day we actually got into a big toddler fight and I ended up with a broken doll and her tryke bike had a wheel missing. We were both feisty 2 year olds. One day, I was outside playing in my sandbox, when her brother Liam started across the big yards towards me.

       "Play with my sister she's annoying me!" He screamed at me. For a 3 year old, he was really good with words.

        "No!! She mean!!" I screamed.

        He stomped the ground in defeat, and went back inside. A moment later, she came outside.

        "Can I play?" she asked.

        "No!! My sand!" i screamed and started making sand angels.

        "Hehe, me too me too!!" she giggled and joined me. I finally understood what having a friend was. She surprisingly wasn't that bad as I thought. Her brother looked outside of his window, and smiled.

        Over the next couple of years, we were together always. If you were looking for one of us, just come into either of our rooms. We were constantly over at her house because of her brother. I just loved him. Since I was an only child, I was occasionally lonely. They were like my family. Liam called me his sister, and protected me like an older brother would. When I had my first breakup at age 12, me and the guy had been dating for 7 months. Liam acted like he was going to beat the crap out of him. He always knew how to make me laugh. He is the best big brother ever. Hannah and I think of him as the daddy. He is very strict, and doesn't allow any rule breaking at all. We still sneak out anyways....

      Hannah is what I like to call a hyperactive child on crack. She NEVER shuts up. It can get really annoying at times. But it can be comforting at times,how she has a way with words. A few years back, I was obsessed  with Fosters Home for Imaginary Kids. And Hannah was obsessed with chocolate milk. Like she would talk about it in her sleep. So, I started calling her Cheese. And it stuck. everyone calls her Cheese now and its hilarious.

     I am what you could call a wild child. I like to sneak out, and do anything fun. This usually includes me getting some kind of adrenaline rush or just having a buzz from a couple of drinks. I really like to do stuff that are usually scary to anyone else, like talking up in class or climbing down a rock wall that's 200 feet high. I'm just that weird. Call me crazy, but I'll just agree with you. My hair is my most favorite thing about my body though. It's a natural red, but not too crazy or too gingery. I like to say I have a nice body, but I have too many insecurities to be able to say that. Although, Hannah is naturally beautiful. She has dirty blonde long hair, and the most amazing cheekbones I have ever seen. She has such an amazing body I envy her for it.

    Liam has always loved to sing. His voice is just amazing. When i was 13, he tried out for the X-factor. He got to judges houses, and then they told him to come back in 2 years time. I have been bugging him for the past year and a half to try out again, but he says that he'll think about it.

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