Chapter 6

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“Hannah, wake up,” I heard while someone was trying to push me awake. I simply ignored them. “This is pointless guys; she’s never going to get up.”

“Here, let me do it,” I heard from Cheese while trying to fall back asleep. Next thing I feel is a giant weight being thrown on top of me, like she just jumped on me. What the- “HANNAH WAKE UP!”

Trying to sit up didn’t work with her sitting on top of me. “Jesus Christ Hannah are you trying to kill me?” I say while pushing her off.

“Nope, just trying to wake you up.”

 “I hate you.”

“Love you too!” I glared at her while standing up. I could see that we had landed, and were the last passengers left on the plane. Looks like I slept through the entire flight.

Liam handed me my carry-on bag, and we all made our way onto the terminal. I was walking next to Liam behind everyone else in our group. After picking up our suitcases, we made our way out of the airport. I immediately felt the sun and warmth creep onto me while looking around. Palm trees were scattered all over, blowing in the slight wind that made the weather very tolerable. The sun was glowing in the sky, showing that it was around two o’clock. In the distance I could see a beach and buildings everywhere.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” I said out loud, which Liam heard. I could smell fresh fruits, and could barely see people around.

“Isn’t it? The boys and I all chose this place because of the sights and how there is barely anyone here. It’s known to have plenty of celebrities here so we shouldn’t be found out or mobbed,” He said while looking at the sky.

Since there were twelve of us in the group we had to split into groups of three to fit in all the taxis. I was with Jade, and El. We talked for a little bit, but mostly looked out the windows at all the sights.

As the car pulled up to our destination, we stepped out. Looking around, I found that all the others were there, and that we were staying in a private home that looked a lot like a bungalow. Zayn waved at us to follow the gang inside.

Looking around in amazement at how close we were to the water as we walked in, I ended up tripping and falling over; I could hear Hannah laughing as I stood up. Flipping her the bird as I passed her, she just laughed harder.

I walked inside and stopped to look at everything. It was beautiful! From right by the door, I could see the humongous kitchen with an island and marble counters, the living room with at least five huge leather couches, a staircase that leads upstairs, and one next to it that leads down. Seeing that everyone was still looking around in amazement, I spoke up and asked to anyone, “Alright, how many bedrooms are there and what are the sleeping arrangements?”

“There are four rooms with two queen sized beds, and two with one king sized bed,” Niall spoke up. “Hold on, let me just pull the list out,” he said while dropping everything and reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out a folded up piece of paper, and started reading off of it. “So I put the two longest relationships into the rooms with one bed and they would be Louis and El, and Zayn and Perrie. I talked to Liam about putting this together and he said that he didn’t want you to share a bed with Harry, Hannah. So stop giving me that look, I put you two in a room that has two beds. The others are Jesy and Leigh Anne, Jade and I, and Liam and Hannah. Half of them are upstairs and half down.”

Once he said that, I ran towards the staircase, and saw that Liam had the same idea. “You go up and I’ll go down!” I yelled and took off down the stairs. Everyone had figured what we were doing and decided to join in. There was a doorway leading into a big basement with a pool table, air hockey, a ping pong table, and a huge TV with almost every game system you could think of. There was a sliding door that led outside, and from where I was standing I could see a pool. After that, there was a hallway to the side, and a door on each side of the hallway. I ran over there and opened the first door I came to, and walked in.

It was a bedroom with one bed, which had a blue and silver comforter and blue walls to match. It was a really big room, with a little chest and a TV on top. I made my way out of the room, and moved onto the next one which was on the other side of the hall. Walking in I noticed that there were two beds, one with a yellow comforter and one with maroon. Three of the walls were painted yellow and one painted maroon. There were two dressers, and one stand that held a TV.

Leaving that room, I looked for a third bedroom. There wasn’t one in this hallway, so I made my way back to the game room. Looking around, I noticed that there was a door across from the stairway. Geez Hannah, how could you not see that! Pushing the door open, I instantly fell in love with the room. Two walls were lavender and two were white. There were two beds, one with a white comforter and purple pillows, and one with a purple comforter and white pillows. There was a sliding door that led out to the pool that looked very inviting. Since I was closer to the yard now, I could see the pool, a hot tub, a giant playground that belonged in a park, and a tire swing next to three other swings. My inner childness was begging to come out and go down the slides!

Turning to look at the enormous room again, I noticed two doors that I hadn’t seen before. I swear I must be blind. Walking to the one closest to me, I hesitantly opened the door. Surprised at just how big this room was, and also the fact that it was a bathroom, my mouth fell open. There was a big jet type of bathtub, a toilet, and the biggest shower known to man. I could throw a party in there! Still dazed, I walked out and made my way to the other door. If my reaction was bad last time, it was a million times worse now. My mouth fell open while I did a happy dance which consisted of me jumping up and down and waving my arms like a chicken and making little shrieking sounds. IT WAS A WALK IN CLOSET! I love clothes and anything to do with them; clothes are my life. My clothes mean more to me than my car and probably Hannah but we won’t tell her that… I LOVE YOU HANNAH! Just kidding she’s too crazy to mean less than clothes.

Deciding that this was going to be Liam and I’s room because it was seriously amazing, I left the room. So no one would think that this would be their room, I took off my shoes to show that someone had taken this room. Running up the staircase, I didn’t see Liam on the main floor when I got there. Panting while going up the second set of stairs, I could hear people yelling at each other. Following the sound I went into a bedroom that had two beds and saw Hannah and Harry fighting Jesy and Leigh Anne over the room. The walls were a medium colored green and the beds were both blue, which was really pretty. “What the hell is going on in here?” I said confused.

“Harry and I saw this room first but then they showed up right when we left and they want this room but we saw it first!” Hannah said exasperatedly.

“But you left! We want this room!” Jesy yelled.

“There is only one way to solve this problem,” I pause with all eyes on me. Saying with the most serious voice I could muster, “Rock paper scissors.” Everyone but Hannah rolled their eyes. You see, whenever I or someone I know is stuck in a situation like this, I make them do rock paper scissors to solve their problems.

“I'm up for it!” Hannah agrees.

“Fine.” Jesy says defeated.

 Hannah and Jesy stand across from each other, and hold their hands out in the rock paper scissors way. The first time, Hannah chooses rock and Jesy chooses paper. The second time, Jesy takes scissors and Hannah sticks with rock. Now they’re tied. The third time Hannah chooses paper and Jesy takes rock. She celebrates a little too much over the fact that she won, and then finally calms down.

Niall walks in through the door, followed by Jade and Liam. “What was all that shouting about? We could hear you from the kitchen,” he says.

“I came up here to find Liam but instead heard their shouting and came in. Long story short, they were fighting over the room and Hannah beat Jade in rock paper scissors for it.” I replied.

“Ok. Well Jade and I found our room, but I don’t think Liam was that lucky. We’re gonna go back to looking for food,” Niall said. They left the room, and Liam waved at me to follow.

“So you didn’t find a room?” I ask. When he shakes his head no in reply, I grab his arm to follow me. “Come on, I found one.”


Sorry for the long wait! I know this is really short, but i'll try to make my next chapters a bit longer. Thanks for reading!!

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