Chapter 2

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Hi!! Uhmm,, all of the chapter is in flashback,, soooo here it is…..


I was over at Cheeses house, watching the X-factor with her and Liam

“Hey Hannah’s, I have to tell you something.” Liam announced sounding very nervous.  Cheese and I both looked at him, as if telling him to go on. He drew in a shaky breath and announced, “IfilledouttheformfortheX-factor” I sat there, trying to figure out what he said, because he sounded like one of those auctioneer people who talk really fast.

“Liam, could you repeat that, cause I couldn’t understand a thing...” Cheese said, trailing off at the end.

“I said that I filled out the form for the X-factor.” Both of our eyes widened and we tackled him into a bear hug. Liam started chuckling, and then said, “And thanks guys, cause if you both hadn’t been nagging me since the last time I tried out, I wouldn’t have tried out again.”


Cheese and I were hugging each other, watching as they called Liam’s name and a few other people back onto the stage, to talk to them after they didn’t get through to the live shows. We were in this back room, and they had a TV in there, so we could watch what was happening.  Next thing I hear is THE Simon Cowell telling them that they were going to be put through as group acts! The look on Liam’s face was like he was on the moon. Cheese and I started screaming with joy for Liam, because he has wanted this for so long.

“HES GOING TO JUDGES HOUSES!!!!! IM SO HAPPY NOW!!” I screamed to Hannah.

“I FEEL LIKE I COULD RUN FIVE MILES BECAUSE OF HOW HAPPY I AM!!” she screamed, which caused me to end up on the floor with laughter.

“Hunny, you couldn’t run five miles even if you wanted to!!” I replied through my giggles.

“Yeah, you’re probably right” she replied back, with a serious face on.

-------LIVE SHOWS-------

So Cheese and I were finally able to meet all the boys, and her and Harry hit it off right at the beginning.  She told me that they started talking, and that he has a date planned for when we go see Liam again. We were currently sitting on her couch with her and Liams parents watching the live shows week six. Cheese suddenly got a text, and I noticed that her entire face lit up with confusion.

“Cheese? What’s wrong?”  I asked her quietly so her parents wouldn’t notice.

“Harry just texted me this, I don’t know what it means.” She showed me her phone, and it was pulled up to a message that Harry had just sent her, ‘this one is for you<3’ it said. Then suddenly I hear on the TV One Direction, and quickly turned my head towards it. The notes to Eton Johns The Way You Look Tonight started, and I knew exactly what the text meant. A huge grin formed on my face, and I turned to look at cheese, who still had a look of confusion on her face.

I leaned over and whispered into her ear with excitement in my voice, “He’s singing this song for you!! That’s what the text meant!!”

She just looked at me with a look of hope on her face and said, “You think?”

“Oh please hunny. Look at his face. I know so.” I scoffed to her. Her whole face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Once they left the stage, cheese got a text from Harry which said, ‘I hope you liked it’

“Yep. I was right. It’s probably because I’m amazing.” I said to no-one in particular.

“ Oh yeah Hannah. Totally. Because you know, you’re the coolest person on the planet.” Cheese said back with giggles.

------FINAL RESULTS-------

Cheese and I were able to make it to the finals, and cried during their performance yesterday. Right before they went on the stage, Harry asked cheese to be his girlfriend. Of course, she said yes! I was so happy for her, and then they went and sung Torn and made me cry. We were both watching backstage to see who got through to the final to win the competition. Matt Cardle had just been called, and cheese was holding onto me like a pillow waiting for the boys names to be called.

“Rebecca” the announcer said. Cheese and I were just stood there in shock, not believing our ears. The look on the boys faces broke my heart, and I started crying. After they had finished talking on stage, they came to the back where we were, and I tackled Liam into a giant hug, while cheese ran to Harry.

“Liam I’m so sorry! I thought you boys were going to win!! I can’t believe you didn’t make it through!” I said after I let go of him. He just looked at me with a pained expression on his face, and forced a smile.

“So did I Hannah. So did I. But I guess we weren’t supposed to win. I just don’t know.” He said back.

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