I. Goodbye LA. Hello Paris

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Marinette was being interviewed by Vogue about her career, plans and her return to Paris.
"How do you feel about returning to Paris?" The interviewer asked
"I am very excited and nervous. Leaving Los Angles will hard. I built my career here. But also I missed Paris. It has been 5 years. I was 12 when I came here, now I am 17. Years have passed so quickly. " Marinette answered to the question.
" Yes. You have grown on our eyes. I feel like it was just yesterday you uploaded 'wish you were gay' at age of 13. It was your very first song you wrote. Now, four years later - you wrote two albums, had 2 US tours, your songs are hitting top places on music charts, you are worldwide known famous musician." The interviewer gave a summary of Marinette's career.
"Sometimes I can't believe in it myself. My life has changed so much." Marinette states joyfully.
"So, What are you planning for Paris. Will there be France tour? Or something different?" She questioned once more.
"I am have more tame plans for Paris. I will concerts but not a tour. I am hoping to have a break from my busy schedules and switch to more flexible one. I want to be normal again. Or at least try to be one. I am planning to go to school instead of being homeschooled like I did for last four years. The last four years have been a challenge when comes having things balanced. I had to compromise a lot things. I wish I will able bring things to balance." The teen with night sky hair explained.
"Hmm. That's all. Thank you Marinette for answer to our questions." She wrapped up the interview.
— — —
Marinette's POV
I was in a plane flying to Paris. I can't believe that five years have flown so quickly. So many things have happened. My music career. Yeah. Never thought a song about a broken heart could be a start to a skyrocketing life of singer.
" Dear passengers please take your seats and buckle up. We are starting the landing in 1 minute." A voice of a flight attendant came from the small speakers.
"I am back. Still can't believe that." I said to my parents.
"Well you have to believe it because it is happening. When you were coming to Los Angeles you were a little girl. Look who you are right now - almost a grown woman with a best life possible" My father whispered to me.
I looked over to the window to see a glowing city. It was beautiful. As the plane got lower I was able to see the gleaming Eiffel Tower. I am home.
About ten minutes later we landed.
"Have a great day. First to exit will be the business class." The voice came once again.
Only me and my parents were in the business class. So we were to exit.
As I got out the plane few fans asked for autographs and photos. It is normal for me now. After me and my parents got out the passport control we saw 3 bodyguards waiting us. They followed us and kept us safe from a crowd of screaming fans. At the entrance of the airport a car was already waiting for us.
— —
We were now at the gates of our house. It wasn't the old bakery. We sold it few years ago. It was big house in center of the city. We lived in it when we were visiting Paris, but still it feel foreign for me.
I was nervous for tomorrow. Tomorrow's the beginning of 2nd semester which means school. I haven't went to school in four years which already made me nervous but now my name is known to every third person in Paris. It only makes it worse.
I was returning to DuPont School. The school I went before leaving to US. I knew most of the people from that school. That made it better. I wasn't going to a complete unknown mess. I already had friends there - Alya and Nino. I was able to stay in touch with them for all those years. The last time I saw them it was a year ago when I did a concert in Paris. They were in the meet and greet with a photo of us three from 5th grade. I cried when I saw them. Yeah that was emotional.
The Next day.
After I woke up, took a shower, and put on my clothes I went downstairs where my breakfast was already waiting for me.
"Excited?" My mom looked over with a big smile.
"Yes. And a little nervous" I said as I started eating my omelet.
"Why? It is the same school you went before." She raised her eyebrows.
"Just it has been so long and things have changed." I tried to explain her but felt like it didn't do much.
"Just be confident. Remember your first concert? You were shaking from your nerves but you were amazing. I am sure it will great"  she cheered me up.
"Thanks mom." I thanked her and finished the meal. After I put the dirty dishes in a dishwasher I grabbed my back pack and went to front door.
"Goodbye mama" I waved her and went outside to the black car waiting me. I sat in it and the driver started heading to the school.
The driver was a safety hazard. The school wasn't that far away I could walk to it and be on time if not the paparazzi tailing every I go. Back in LA, when still was in school they wouldn't give a break with their questions and cameras.
When I looked over to sidewalk I saw the men with cameras hand trying to take pictures of me. Yeah. That is the worst part of being famous.
After few minutes the car reached the parking lot of the school.
The driver and I got out of the car and he escorted me to gates of the school, keeping me away from the flashes of the cameras.
"Thank you Sir." I thanked him  as I walked into the grounds of the school.
The whole thing with paparazzi brought attention to me and I could see people staring at me and whispering each other. Some of other cane and asked for autographs and photos. As did that I tried to walked to the locker hall.
As I reached my locker and put my things in it I noticed a certain brunette boy with girl who had ombré hair . Nino and Alya. I walked up  to them from the back.
"So I see you didn't miss me. " I said. They both immediately turned and a big smiles grew on their faces.
"Marinette!! Girl. Of course we did miss you." They beamed in joy and hugged me tightly. I hugged them back. After we pulled away some people gave us confused looks but we didn't care.
"So how things have been for my best friends?" I asked them.
"Pretty good. The school has been normal. Nothing shocking." Nino explained.
"So who do you have for homeroom teacher?" Alya asked
"Ms. Bustier. You?" I answered
"Same. Which means we have all classes together. Isn't it great?" She beamed even more
"Yes it is" I kept on. We headed to the literature class and had a small talk.
When we got the classroom as expected I got a lot looked, gasps and other things. After I signed the poster and papers and took the photos with my classmates. We finally sat at our places.
"Does it annoy you? Like everywhere you go there's at least a dozen people asking for photos and autographs." Alya asked me.
"Not really. It makes me happy to see them. To see how many people support me and like what I do."  I explained her the things. "But the annoying is the paparazzi, following every step of mine and trying to make money from a photo of me." I added on.
Then the teacher walked and started the lecture.
In the middle of the lecture a blond tall boy opened the door.
"Mr. Agreste. Late once again. If you will be late one more time you will get a detention. Now sit your place"
Agreste? Like Gabriel Agreste.
The blonde sat down on desk near Nino. I heard some whispers between him and the blonde.
Finally, the first period ended. I started to pack my things in when Alya pulled by my wrist and turned me around and now I was facing the blonde
"God. Alya that hurt." I groaned
"Marinette this is Adrien." She introduced the blonde to me.
"Adrien, do you remember the time we told about a friend of mine who is famous singer?" She asked him.
"Yeah" he answered kinda looking confused. To be honest I didn't knew what was happening either.
"That's her Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Heard of that?" She said to him
"So you weren't joking?" He looked at with a raised brow.
"Nope." Alya quickly burst it out.
"So nice to meet you Marinette." He looked at me with  smile
"Nice to meet you too, Adrien." I answered back and put on a smile.
I grabbed my bag and was about to get out of the classroom when I saw a crowd of people. Ok my hand will be hurting by the end of the day.
I get out and people asked for photos and autographs like normal. I quickly sign them all and head to the next class.
"Mari I don't I understand how you can bear this. They all around you to get photo with and to get your signature. You barely were able to finished it."  Nino asked me.
"It is a routine for me now. Four years of practice have its job. I've been living like that for few years now. I am fine Nino." I explained her.
"So I see your life is even worse than mine" Adrien pointed out.
"What do you mean?" I was confused on what he said.
"Adrien is model, the son of Gabriel Agreste, the it boy of the school. When he came here a crowd of his fan girls would be always around him. It tamed a little after the years but still it appears here and there." Alya explained Adrien's situation.
"So Marinette ,could you tell me about you a little more?" Adrien asked me.
"I lived in Paris till I was 12 then my dad got an offer to transfer to the US branch of the company. He accepted it. And me and my family moved to LA for five years. Around in 7th grade I wrote a song and posted it online. It became viral and I was offered a contract with Interscope Records. I signed it. After 2 albums,2 Tours around America  and 4 years of  a career as singer I returned to Paris. Pretty much all." I gave him a summary of last five years of my life.
"Wow. That's quite a lot" he looked kind of overwhelmed.
"I know. Sometimes I can't believe in it myself."
We reached the class and sat near each other. Like the first class it was lecture. After an hour of lecture it ended. This time only few people came to get an autograph and photo with me.
—Lunch Time—
We all sat on table and kept talking about random things as we ate our meals
"So girl do you want to go out after school. We could catch up on things." Alya asked me
"I would love to but I can't. I have a rehearsal after school."
"Rehearsal for concert?"
"It is charity event that I have to perform on" I explained them. "You can come to if you want. It is on Friday."
"That is nice. I will be there for sure" Nino said
"Can I come?" Adrien asked
"Of course." I affirmed him.
"So Alya do you want go on date with me?" Nino asked Alya.
"You know my answer" Alya said as she gave him a peck.
"I still can't believe it took 3 years to you two start dating. You liked each other since day one. You two were so goddamn oblivious." I reminded them.
"Oh you don't know what went on their  1st date. Nino was scared and he brought me. These dorks were a mess on the date." Adrien chuckled and said it with smirk on his face
I bursted out a laugh.
"Oh tell me more Adrien."
"Hey maybe you two will shut up" Nino looked over to me and Adrien laughing.
"Speaking of first dates, Marinette you told me how your first dates went. Spill" Alya looked over at me
"Which one?" I asked her.
"Kevin Cox. Right?"
"Kendall Cox. It was a picnic. It was very cute and sweet."
"And other one. I forgot his name."
"Davin Kim. It was a dinner in restaurant but kinda both didn't enjoy the restaurant so it turned into walk in the down town."
"Girl. Why yours are so perfect?"
"Well I guess I got lucky."
Wait so you dated Davin Kim and Kendall Cox?" The models?" Adrien asked me.
"Yup. Why did you ask that?" I didn't know what's going on.
"Just I have shoot with both of them today. I just surprised." Adrien answered
"Oh right Davin was telling  a gig he got in Paris"

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