III. We meet once more

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Hey just wanted to clear some things out before you started so you won't have misunderstandings.
1- Marinette's Billie Eilish of this AU
2- Emilie is still alive
3- Gabrielle Agreste is nicer.
————Back to the story——————
Marinette's POV
When I entered the car I saw my mom sitting in it all ready.
"How has been your first day darling?" She asked me with her cheerful smile.
"Actually pretty good. It was interesting to go to school after being homeschooled for 4 years." I explained
"Are you for the rehearsal? First we going to meet the organizers of the event then perform for so they could make sure everything is good."
"Yes. I am. So have and dad found a venue for the bakery" I said. We have sold the bakery ago and with our return my parents wanted to continue pursuing their business.
"We have found it. Your father is currently in that venue getting things set up" she showed a picture on her phone. It was plan and photos of a building fe w blocks down from our house.
We kept on discussing the bakery and its set up while the driver drive us the venue where the concert will be.
When I got in the building and walked to the hall we will be performing on I saw Adrien and Emilie Agreste with my manager.
"Hi Marinette. This is the organizer of the concert - Emilie Agreste and her son Adrien Agreste. They came here to check how the event will go. " my manager introduced me to the Agrestes
"Nice to see you again Marinette" Adrien said. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. " he greeted my mother.
Emilie and mom gave me and Adrien a confused look.
"Mom, me and Marinette are classmates" Adrien explained things down.
"Oh. Okay, let's now focus on the event.
I would like to see you, Marinette perform" Emilie said in sweet tone.
After we set things up and get the band together , I went up to the stage and grabbed the microphone.
"Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
Push my button anytime
You got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger's mine" once the music started I sang

"Silver dollar, golden flame
Dirty water, poison rain
Perfect murder, take your aim
I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name"

"By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat trying to cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat trying to cop my glamour
Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?"
"Call me calloused, call me cold
You're italic, I'm in bold
Call me cocky, watch your tone
You better love me, 'cause you're just a clone"

"By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat trying to cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat trying to cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?"

"I would hate to see you go
Hate to be the one that told you so
You just crossed the line
You've run out of time
I'm so sorry, now you know
Sorry I'm the one that told you so
Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry
By the way, you've been uninvited
'Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat trying to cop my manner
Watch your back when you can't watch mine
Copycat trying to cop my glamour
Why so sad, bunny, you can't have mine?"  I finished my song.
Adrien's POV
The song was amazing. And so was Marinette. She sang beautifully. No wonder she is so famous. How come I never heard her songs or known she is?
"Now idontwannabeyouanymore"  she said and sang a new song.
She sang more song. Each one was better than the previous. After  half an hour of pleasure to my ears she stopped singing.
"Very good. Marinette. Thank you for performance" my mom thanked and applauded.
"It is an honor for me. Mrs. Agreste" Marinette
"Adrien and Marinette could you Wait up here. I will discuss the rest of the event" my mom said as she walked away with Marinette's mom and manager.
Now there were only the band, me and Marinette.
"That was very very good. I am stunned." I complemented her performance.
"Thanks, Agreste" she said as she jumped off the stage.
"Don't we have to reenact a scene Romeo and Juliet?" She said and walked to her backpack to take out the scripts we were given on English.
"Act 1 Scene 5" she mumbled as she flipped through pages.
I took out mine and opened the page.
"Ok, let's start Adrien.
"If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." I read from the script.
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. " she said
"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" I continued on
"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer" she kept going
"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." I said.
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." She came a little closer to me as I did the same.
"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take"
"That's where we kiss, right?." I whispered her and she nodded. I leaned in and we kissed for few seconds
"Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged" I said as we pulled away.
"Then have my lips the sin that they have took." She said.
"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!M
Give me my sin again"  I said we pulled in again for another short kiss.
"You kiss by the book." She finished the scene with her line.
"Not bad just memories the lines." She said turning and she walked to her bag to put the script away.
"As you say my lady." I said playfully.
"Oh shut up Agreste" she said as she faced me again
We both put our things into our backpacks and sat down on the edge of the stage.
"When did you started singing?" I asked her out is curiosity.
"I started when I was five. Mom would tell I would sing out every word I could see.  I became a singer after I got rejected by my crush in 7th grade. I wrote a song and posted in on online. It blew up and I was offered a contract with Interscope Records."  She explained.
"Could you sing that song for me?"
"Yes" she said taking out her phone from the pocket of her jeans and playing  a recording of a beat.
"Baby I don't feel so good
6 words you never understood
I'll never let you go
5 words you never say
I laugh alone like nothing's wrong
4 days have never felt so long.
If 3's a crowd and 2 is us
One slipped away

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way
I can't how much I wish I didn't wanna stay.
I just kinda wish you were gay.

Is the reason we are not through?
Is there a 12 step just for you?
Our conversation's all in blue
11 Hey's
10 fingers tearing out my gear
9 times you never made it there
I ate alone at 7
You were 6 minutes away.

How am I supposed to make you feel okay
When all you do is walk the other way?
I can't tell how much I wish I didn't wanna stay
I just kinda wish you were gay

To spare my pride
To give your lack of interest an explanation
Don't say I'm not your type
Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation
I'm so selfish
But you make me feel helpless, yeah
And I can't stand another day
Stand another day

I just wanna make you feel okay
But all you do is look the other way
I can't how much I wish I didn't wanna stay.
I just kinda wish you were gay.
I just kinda wish you were gay
I just kinda wish you were gay" she sang in her beautiful voice.

It started with a rumor.  [• Adrienette AU • ]Where stories live. Discover now