Day 11: Kenta's Make Up Tutorial

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Day 11: Kenta's Make Up Tutorial– Resident Master of Disguise, Shuhei Kenta answers the reader's questions in his MeTube Channel of which features a cameo with Haruki Kenshin and Jyunko and Yuri who are also present. Haruki Kenshin gets a make-over contour session and let's just say it's just too funny for words. Written in playwright form.


Song is Tokyo Girl by Perfume. Video youtube upload including Romaji lyrics c/o White Skies, song credits to Perfume and respective owners.

Camera opens scene with a opening theme of a backdrop like a movie theater with a cartoon drawing of Kenta's face with the words Kenta Makes Up Who as background music is heard when the scene opens to a rather chipper expression on Shuhei Kenta's face.

Shuhei Kenta: Konnichiwa, Minna-san. I'm Shuhei Kenta, for all of you who just tuned in to my MeTube Channel called Kenta Makes Up Who. Today is a very special day indeed as I'm joined in by some very lovely ladies. Please introduce yourself

Jyunko Nao: (flicks her hair) Wassup, y'all, I'm Jyunko!

Yuri Minami: (waves to the camera) Hiya! I'm Yuri. Pleased to meet all of you guys.

Haruki Kenshin: (looks awkward at the camera) I'm Haruki Kenshin. I'm not a girl.

Hiro Ryota: (talks with his arms crossed, looking very bored) Hiro Ryota desu. I have no idea what I'm doing here.

Shuhei Kenta: Sorry guys, unfortunately we have two girls who can't make it today.

Haruki Kenshin: Yeah, what happened to Tami and Kara, by the way?

Jyunko Nao: Well, Tami met up with her cousin, Aiko Fujiwara. Something about an interview after that auction at the Tokyo Met, the dress Tami wore sold huge like $20 million or something.

Hiro Ryota: (Looks visibly impressed) Whoa.

Shuhei Kenta: Yeah, Tami-chan definitely stole the show that time.

Hiro Ryota: What about Kara?

Yuri Minami: (shrugs) Dunno. She said she had something to do after class.

Shuhei Kenta: Probably a date. (Mumbles all around from the group). Anyway, moving along we have something very special to all the viewers out there. This is where you two come in handy. (points at Ryota and Kenshin)

Hiro Ryota and Haruki Kenshin: Really?

Shuhei Kenta: Today, we are going to make you, Haruki Kenshin, look like an Ikemen! (enter fake gasps sound effect)

Hiro Ryota: I get Haru-Ken, but why me?

Shuhei Kenta: (Makes a shushing noise). Well, not just any pretty-boy. I added an extra challenge for myself and make Haru-Kun look like you!

Jyunko and Yuri: (in unison) Whoa.

Shuhei Kenta: Well. Stay tuned folks as I roll a quick video of the materials I will be using for this tutorial.

Video displays various sponsored cosmetics, most if not all of which are cruelty-free. Once video ends, it's just Hiro Ryota, Shuhei Kenta, and Haruki Kenshin left and remain seated.

Yuri Minami and Jyunko Nao are behind the camera and the audience can still hear the girl's commentaries as the video rolls.

Haruki Kenshin is back with his hair pulled up with a headband, while Hiro Ryota looks sleepy as he appears utterly bored having to be the model of which Kenta will try to emulate. Sometimes Ryota can be found nodding his head off as he falls asleep during the middle of the video.

Shuhei Kenta: So I already prepped Haru-kun's face with the basic primer. I shall now begin with the contour. (He starts dabbing some dark make-up on various places)

Haruki Kenshin: I sure hope you know what you're doing.

Shuhei Kenta: Of course, I do. You've seen what I've done on myself when I made myself up to look exactly like Tami Hayase.

Hiro Ryota: (Looks positively sick) I wish I could forget that time.

Haruki Kenshin: (feels less apprehensive) Yeah, you really looked liked her, it was hard to tell you two apart.

Yuri Minami: Except Kenta-kun is definitely shorter than Tami (Kenta ignores the jibe and continues to do his make-up on Haruki Kenshin as he sometimes looks at the camera to demonostrate the product he uses for the tutorial.

Minutes pass by...

Shuhei Kenta: I think it's coming out great, don't you think girls?

Jyunko Nao: (clears her throat) I...guess so.

Yuri Minami: (trying her best not to laugh too hard): It's....It...seems so. (bursts out laughing as her shoulders shake with mirth.

The action wakes up Hiro Ryota who has been sleeping almost through the entire video as he rouses from his slumber while his back is slumped against a chair.

When he turns and looks at Shuhei and Haruki, he too bursts out laughing.

Hiro Ryota: Holy....

Shuhei Kenta: Shhhh, no swearing please Ryota-san. I have children watching my tutorial.

Haruki Kenshin: (unaware that he looks almost like an exaggerated  made-up panda racoon hybrid in his make-up. The dark contours definitely look too comical) W-what's going on? What's so funny? Why are you guys laughing?

Shuhei Kenta: Don't mind them, Haru-kun, they're haters and don't understand artistic creativity on hand.

Hiro Ryota: Unless the type of art you like is abstract painting. (Jyunko and Yuri burst out in boisterous laughter).

Haruki Kenshin: Huh?

Jyunko Nao: (whispers to Yuri) I guess Kenta-kun isn't really good in doing men's make-up.

Yuri Minami: Well, he always has practiced doing make-up on girls, if not on himself.

Hiro Ryota: Ganbatte (Do your best), Kenta-kun!

Shuhei Kenta: Welp, that's all the time we got for now. Many thanks to my sponsors and hope to see you soon!

Music fades to end as Haruki Kenshin screams in the background in terror when he finally sees himself in the mirror as Jyunko, Yuri and Hiro laugh uncontrollably.

:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
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