What you need to know

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  In this book the people that exists are humans, nekos, and werewolves. Nekos are humans mixed with cats. Werewolves are humans mixed with dogs/wolves. It varies but they have the same name. All Nekos and Werewolves are sold at auctions starting with usually 100. If the people at the auctions desperately want to get rid of the neko/werewolf then they will start at either 10,25, or 50.
  Female Nekos rarely become pregnant. But not many people know that. Nekos are sure to get pregnant when it's a full moon and not using a condom. Otherwise they won't become pregnant during sex. But for Werewolves they will always become pregnant when not using a condom.
  The people in the group is Oliver, Sebastian, Cody, Alex, Jesse, Diego, Zephan, and Brandon. They all have a werewolf pet besides Oliver and Sebastian. They all live in the same street in the middle of nowhere in Florida.
Oliver: 20
Sebastian: 18
Everybody else is 20-21
  I think that's all you need to know so uh yeah enjoy :) 💕
Oh I forgot something.
Pets aren't illegal and there are tons of auction buildings around the country :)
Not all werewolves and Nekos can shift into their animal form and there are other shifters. Like Rabbit shifters.
When shifters get nervous or feel strong emotion they partially shift. But werewolves and nekos just have human qualities and animal qualities. But some can be human, shift, and be a neko/werewolf.

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