Chapter 1

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  This system that my auction building has is actually horrible. But that's just makes it easier to get out of being a pet. But I won't go full into detail since that's not very important right now.

   Today there is gonna be another auction. Another chance to be sold. Another chance to be returned. Ya know the usual thing. They make me shift, wash me, and comb me. Then I shift back and they dress me. Then they plop me onto the stage and the auction begins. Auction days are the worst. Today isn't gonna be any different than other auction days. At least I think so.

So the usual. They got me ready and put me into this horrid supposedly cute outfit. But let me tell you this outfit is uncomfortable!

 But let me tell you this outfit is uncomfortable!

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(Her outfit)

Oh and to top it all off they put you in a collar. And sometimes they'll put you on a leash! I know we're pets but hey! We have feelings! And I guess today they felt like putting me on a leash.

  They dragged me to the auction stage and dragged the one that was on stage before me to his room and slammed to door. Yikes. Guess the boss really wanted him sold.

On the stage I don't do anything. They just say good things about me and hope that gets people interested. And they started the bid at 150 dollars. Eh decent.

  I'm not much of a struggle when it comes to auctions. I just hate being put in uncomfortable clothing. Heck the boss once said I was a crowd favorite and that he doesn't know why everyone returns me the next day they get me! Well I mean I know why.

  I wasn't paying attention to anything but then I heard someone yell out 2,500. I sat up since I was laying down. I looked around to try and identify who it was that yelled out such a big number. Then I heard "5,000!"

Such high numbers! And for me! Most people buy my at 1,000. And sometimes 1,500. But it's never this high! Next thing I knew it was a war between two looking boys that seem to be really close and an older 30 looking year old man. (Seb and Oli are bidding together)

Finally the two boys looked at each other and said, "100,000."

My jaw dropped and I was dragged out to my new owners. They gave one of them the leash and they took me to the front desk.

The lady at the front desk also gave them a big box. I wasn't stupid and I know it was a cage.

I was soon dragged out to a nice car. The younger looking boy threw me into they car which made me quite angry but I can't let my chance to escape slip through my fingers.

"Sebastian! We can't scare her half to death!" The older looking boy said with sincerity while the other just shrugged.

The older one came into the car and put me on his lap. I was quite small so I fit nicely. Soon the younger one came into the car and gave me and the older one a look of disgust.

I ignored it and looked at the older one with a questioning look.

He quickly realized that I know nothing about them so they both introduced themselves... sort of.

The older one is Oliver and the younger one is Sebastian. They were the only two in their friend group who didn't have a pet. They were sick of being the outsiders so they decided to get one.

I nodded to all the information that Oliver just gave me. I looked at Sebastian to see him looking out the window angrily.

I felt bad for him since he looks so sweet and innocent. Something bad must've happened for him to be so rude.

I switched into my cat form and slowly went over to him. I sat next to him and nudged his leg with my head.

He looked down at me before shoving me to Oliver. I let out a small whimper before going back over to him.

Instead of sitting down I laid down next to him, rubbed my head against his leg and started to purr.

He once again pushed me toward Oliver. I gave up and laid down next to Oliver. Escaping might be easier than I thought..

Hey guys that was the first chapter and I hoped you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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