Avery/file.4/24-07-18/ you-know-you-can-talk-to-me-about-anything-right?

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Chapter 03: You Know You Can Talk To Me About Anything Right?

Avery/file.4/24-07-18/ you-know-you-can-talk-to-me-about-anything-right?

Person ID: Avery K. Wilson

"HELLO." Called out Ellie as I tentatively shut the car door to assess the damage we made, "Anyone there?"

Our hearts paced rapidly as we approached the front of the car, holding our breaths still for what may behold in front of us. But, fortunately for us, there was nothing there – no traces of blood, no broken bones or (thankfully) no body.

What did wonders for my pacing heart that had now calmed down did nothing for my mind. What did we hit exactly to leave such a large dent on the car? And where did that thing we hit go? Who are we supposed to call right now – the ambulance, police...my mom?! Oh, fudge cakes no.

"So on a positive note: We're not going to jail" I admit truthfully as I watched Ellie hyperventilate in fear and worry.

"But on a bad note: My parents are going to kill me and this dent looks completely unfixable," Ellie screamed in frustration, her shaking hands quickly reached out for her phone, urgently looking for any signs of phone connection so that we could get immediate help.

"At least the engine still works," I admit also, trying desperately to see the light in this situation. Ellie stopped in her tracks; her head slashed up from her phone so quickly that I was afraid she would get a whip slash afterwards. She then got herself seated back in the car and took three deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Please work...please works... please work." I heard her whisper to herself as she finally turned the key to the car.

Suddenly, the car jolted to the right and made a strange noise until everything in the car switched off and could no longer function.

"Spoke too soon?"


That night Ellie and I trudged up the dim lit streets, cold, tired and afraid as we desperately clung to our phones in search of even a small signal.

"Hey, Avery?" Ellie nudged me slightly, her face glowing under the light of her phone so I could just about see her doe brown eyes that looked tired and sad. "I'm sorry about tonight. I was supposed to take you out to get your mind off things and I just only made it worse-"

"It's not your fault," I interjected. "And mums always busy... she wouldn't realise me being missing anyway."

"But still."

"Still what?" I ask as Ellie lowered her head slightly as if she was scared to delve into what she wanted to say and was holding herself back.

"It's just that..." She started her loud pitchy voice now relatively quieter and I was not too sure whether it was because she was scared to pry or she was scared there was someone out there that could hear, "ever since you told me what was going on with you know... the exclusion, your mum, the robbery on the phone ... well, you've just been tight-lipped about it all – almost as if none of it has happened."

She paused and watched me as if trying to read what I am thinking or feeling.

"You know you can talk to me about anything right?" She then continued, "We're best friends."

If there was one important thing someone would wish to know about me it would be how little I trust others. Sometimes I believe this trait was a curse, but other times I believe it is there for my own protection.

"I haven't spoken much about it because I just didn't feel there is anything left to be said and to be honest I just really want to forget about it."

"But your mum had her meeting with the principal today... didn't she?"

"Yeah she went there this morning; I didn't go with her though," I explained, now the dread of returning home to be met with my mother slowly resurfacing. My sore bitten fingernails danced at the tip of my lips as my anxiety skyrocketed.

"You can't avoid it forever you know."

"I know."

"I think you should tell her the truth. She would believe you... she's your mum. She has to."

"You don't understand."

"Yes, I do understand." She exasperated, her tired eyes almost betraying her. I could see what she was thinking. "Why are you making it more difficult for yourself?"

"I'm not it's just that-" I started before a startling white light blinded both our eyes.

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