Coffee and a Semi-God | Sungjin

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It had been ages since Sungjin had walked among the "regulars", being a semi-god, he preferred to stay in the company of other (semi-)gods. However, from time to time it felt refreshing to walk among mortals, to see them rushing places before their time was up, making money to do the things they enjoy. He loved being immortal and not having a care in the world. There was one thing though, one thing that he envied; love. He had lived so many human lives, but he never found "the one" as the mortals called it. Partially because he was afraid, he has never known love as he sees all around him. Another thing he feared was heartbreak; he had seen what it does to mortals, it looked like the worst thing you could ever feel, and Sungjin wishes he would never feel it himself.

Nevertheless, this all changed when he saw you. He accidentally bumped into you on the streets of London, you profusely apologised while he was silent, his mouth slightly agape. Of all the people he had ever seen, not one had ever had this kind of effect on him. His normal demeanour would have been to brush them off, appearing slightly mad. This feeling however, it was something he had never felt before. As if the gods had a plan for them, which did not make a lot of sense in his head. Sungjin managed to stumble out a few words before you turned around and disappeared back into the crowds, rushing to get to wherever you needed to go. He had asked you to wait, but he was too late and by now you were too far away to hear his words.

Quickly he began to chase after you, throwing his tall body in twists and turns to get through the crowds you disappeared into. Sungjin knew he couldn't let you get away; he would never forgive himself. He kept trying to get another glimpse of you, but it seemed as if faith was no longer on his side. It made him sigh and hang his head down low. As he looked up again and scanned the street, he miraculously saw you on the other side of the street, entering a café. He experienced a brief moment of joy before he realised that he has to follow you, he has to speak to you. No matter what it takes, he felt like he finally had a purpose in his immortal life, it no longer felt like dragging on.

The street was busy, it would be foolish of him to just cross it. Not that it would kill him, but he would be uncovered by the mortals. However, he could not be bothered to wait on the traffic light either. He quickly glanced around and dove into the alley, making sure nobody would follow him. The mortals were too busy with themselves as per usual, so he hastily morphed into a bird and made his way over to the other side, before changing back into his human form. Being a semi-god came with a lot of perks, which Sungjin thoroughly exploited when necessary.

He walked into the café, a bell ringing as the door hit it. He chuckled to himself, remembering the time he hadn't gone to the human world in a while, getting scared by a bell similar to said bell. He hurriedly looked over all the people inside the cosy building, looking for nothing but your face. A smile graced Sungjin's face the moment he spotted you, his legs taking him to you.

The suddenly occupied seat in front of you startled you, but you smiled slightly as you saw it was the man that had bumped into you earlier. You were hoping to see him again, however in a moment of shyness you had walked away from him. Seeing him here, in this cosy café filled with the smell of coffee and cookies, made you feel things inside of you that you had never felt before. "Hi." He broke the silence, not for long though. His brain was struggling to find the correct words. His thoughts were quickly interupted when the barista set a cup of coffee in front of you. "Thank you. Uhm, can I maybe order another one for my friend here?" Your voice sounded even more heavenly than those of muses. "Of course, I'll bring it to you shortly." The barista said before she walked away. 

Sungjin gently shook his head to get out of the little trance he was in. "I'm sorry for bumping into you out there." He softly spoke. "Oh, it's fine. It happens all the time. Usually they don't apologise though." The semi-god was surprised by this. The last time he was among the humans, they had been nothing short of polite; making sure to never bump into another person or at least profusely apologising if it did happen. Soon you fell into a comfortable conversation as the barista brought over his coffee. Sungjin remembers one of his brothers having mentioned this drink before, warning him that it is fairly bitter. Taking the warning to heart he put some sugar into the drink, before stirring and drinking a big gulp. "Isn't... Isn't that coffee really hot? Are you okay?" You asked with a look of shock on your face. Being a semi-god, he didn't feel much of it. "I'm okay, don't worry." He was hoping you wouldn't question him any further on the topic, as he wasn't in the mood for coming up with a good excuse.

The conversation you had carried on from there; the both of you feeling more at ease with each other by the minute. Sungjin didn't know how yet, but he knew he was going to try to spend the rest of eternity with you or give up his immortality. 

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