Tour and a Surprise | Wonpil

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It was a quiet Saturday morning in Bangkok for Wonpil. Though he expected a lot of commotion, because well, it's his birthday. He sat up right in bed and looked around the room for a bit. If he were home you would've decorated all over the place, which usually annoyed him, but now while staring at a blank hotel wall he misses it.

"Morning Dowoon." He said as Dowoon walked in from the bathroom while brushing his teeth.
"Happy birthday Wonpilli!" He yelled with a toothbrush in his mouth and threw his hands up in the air. "Thanks bro." Dowoon noticed the sadness that covered Wonpil's features. He misses you. He knew Wonpil always misses you, but it's even worse on his birthday. Wonpil dropped back down again on the bed, nothing more but a sigh coming from his mouth.
He didn't notice his roommate disappearing into the bathroom again, until he heard a ding, coming from Dowoon's phone, echoing a bit. 

"Listen, I gotta go grab your present from the other room. I'll be right back, I ordered room service so if they're here just let them in." "I will." Wonpil dully replied.
He was left in silence, contemplating on whether to call you or not. There was a big chance you'd be sleeping, either that or doing homework. After a while of thoughts running wild, he decided against it. 

Two knocks on the door snapped him out of his trance. Assuming it's the room service he apathetically said to come in whilst turning on his side, not in the mood to face any human being. Although he had to do so later tonight because of the concert.
The door opened and you stepped in before closing the door. You sat down on the bed next to him, thus making Wonpil wonder why somebody was sitting down besides him. All he hoped for was that it wasn't some sasaeng fan. "Happy birthday babe." You said as you threw your arms around him, which proved to be quite a struggle considering that he was lying in bed. Wonpil immediately turned around and wrapped his arms around you, almost squeezing you to death. 

"Oh my god, I can't believe you're here!" He said being close to tears. "Surprise" you whispered in his ear. Wonpil wanted this moment to never end. "I can't believe you're here!" he said as you wiped away a tear that had managed to escape his eye. "Is there anything you want to do today? It's your day today." He was silent for a minute, thinking of what he wanted, besides you being there of course. "I- I don't know... I just wanted you to be here today and well, here you are." You smiled at his words. His love for you always manages to fill you with warmth and happiness. You shyly snuggled further into his chest, a big smile gracing your lips.

"Can we just cuddle and stay in until it's time for me to leave for the soundcheck and everything?" You looked up at him, quickly pecking his lips. "Of course we can." The long flight was getting to you and before you knew it, you started to drift off. Right before you were completely gone, you felt him wrap his arms around you even tighter and soon after he followed you to dream world. That is until Sungjin came in to wake him up, because it was time for the concert in Thailand. 

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