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"what do you mean?" I asked

"Just wanna show you something really quick before you go" Taehyung said

"Tch yeah what do you wanna show me?" I freaking asked again
After what i saw i knew completely that my choice is wrong and i didn't know what happened to me last night ughhhh

Plus i went to work my mood is completely ruined although i has to get there fast to help my boss

*At the store*

"Oh hi (y/n), what happened why were you absent for 3 days are you okay??" He was so kind when he asked me this

I know you guys will be like here we go again she has a crush but NO he isn't my style i just said he is handsome okay? 😂

So i just helped my boss with the rest of the costumers and here was minhyuk showing up at my work place

I didn't even wanna talk to him because first of all he knew i have a crush on him and second we are supposed to go on a date today but am hella not going

"(Y/n) can we pls talk" He asked

Well i have nothing to say so i didn't even wanna talk to him i know y'all are like he isn't even your bf yet yeah ik but we actually were planing to be but nope thanks not anymore

"(Y/n) can you pls tell me what did that jerk show you?" HE freaking begged me

"Umm (y/n) is he your bf?" My boss asked

"No he is just following me around i don't even wanna talk to him"

I said and probably i shouldn't have said that because the next sec i saw my boss kicking him out of the store and cussing him out and not to come back here

He should have left instead of embarrassing himself

"Don't worry he won't come back here to annoy you" He said this

All i said was thank you he was so kind but what he didn't know that he will of course come we go to the same college man

I finally finished work with my boss it was really late at night because i had to help for the days i was absent for i usually live early but not this time

"Do you need me to walk you it's pretty late and might be dangerous" He asked

"No no it's okay i live near here you can go first" I said

I was so tired

I was walking to my college location while i was hearing footsteps behind me

It scared me to death so i walked really fast i didn't even look behind me

I think it was just 2 minutes away from my college building so i started to run and i hear the person behind me running too

so i just ran with the speed of air and i didn't look behind

Thank god the gates where open but this mean that this person will still come in

I looked behind me and this person was right behind me and he held my wrist was pulling me towards the other direction

but thank god a miracle happened

Taehyung's pov:

"Why is (y/n) running like that??" I asked my self and went near to see what's going on

And here i saw this person holding (y/n)'s wrist and pulling her so i had to go and help

I ran up to where she was and smacked the shit out of this guy

"Taehyung stop stop"(Y/n) shouted so i stoped

"I don't want you to kill him you might end up in a bad position" She said

I got up and i was about to live him right here and go inside the building

"Wait" Suddenly (y/n) said

She headed towards the body's direction she held the mask and reveled his face

And surprise it's was

"Minhyuk??" She said surprised

Your pov:
I have been wondering why the hell did minhyuk do this all night long and i bet he is gonna come back

I just don't want to get headache i went downstairs to make some coffee and i found taehyung there

"Do you want some coffee with me?" I asked

"Yeah sure why not" He replied

It was so awkward with him i don't even know why but i just sat next to him a few distance far from him tho

"Umm so what happened today?" He asked

"About what?"


"Yeah him why was he following you around with a mask on and a knife in his back pocket?"

"Wait whattttt a knife??" I shouted

"Yeah lol" He said

"He was trying to kill me??" I wondered

"Uhh it's nothing big deal i don't wanna talk about it" I just replied

"Oh as you like" He said

"Umm (y/n) can i ask you something??" He asked

"Yeah sure go ahead" I said

"Do you......"

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