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"(Y/n) can you be my girlfriend official from now on i really love you and i want you to be mine will you?" He asked and i was in a shock so he had more feels for me and i really loved that

I was like trying hard to make it hard to get me but today is my chance

"Me?? you want me to be yours?" I asked

"Yeah we can also go eat dinner tonight like on a little date again" He said pulling me closer to him by the waist

"Taehyung..w..wait" I said pushing him a little bit far away from me

"So you don't want me am i rejected?" He asked me pulling down his hands from my waist

"NO it's not like that but how do i trust you that you won't break my hurt like my ex?" I replied

"No no i won't i will make you the happiest person in the world anything you want from me i will do it and get you anything and make sure you will be happy" He said hugging me

"I..I will be yours" I said this and hugged him back

"OMg really finally" He said holding me up and spinning me

"Then let's go to dinner tonight" He said waiting for my answer

"Okay" I simply said

*Time passes*

"Are you ready?" Taehyung shouted from downstairs

"YESS!!" I shouted back and went downstairs

This was actually the best day ever i am going to enjoy a dinner with taehyung


"So (y/n) what would you like" Taehyung asked

"A chicken salad" I said

"Any juice or anything" He asked again

"Umm no just water" I said and he started to tell the waitress what we want

"Umm taehyung i will go use the bathroom a little bit" I said as i stood up

"yeah sure go ahead" He said

Taehyung's POV:
What happened to (y/n) she took so long in the bathroom should i go cheaply on her? i was asking myself

As i was about to get up and check on her she came back

"Oh (y/n) are you okay you took so long" I asked

"Y..yeah y.yeah am fine" She said but she didn't look fine at all from what i see

"(y/n) see you can tell me what happened i promise you i will never tell anyone you can trust me and i can help you" I said to comfort her

"No i am fine it's alright there is nothing wrong" She said looked down at the table

"Here is your food enjoy it!!" The waitress put the food on the table and went

"Here!" I said giving (y/n) some of my food to taste it

"Is it good" I asked

"yeah it is" She said

"I want some of that" I pointed at her salad

"This?" She asked and i nodded

"Here's a big bit" She gave me a big mouth full of salad
"Did you enjoy the food today?" I asked

"Yes thank you for the food" She said

"Your don't have to" I said

*Way back home*

"Soo don't you want to go with me i have to go and buy some shoes wanna come?" I asked

Taehyung asked me if i wanna go buy some shoes for him but no at this time i am scared anything will happen to both of us especially taehyung

"Taehyung can we go shopping tomorrow let's go back home i am scared" I said holding his hands

"Scared of what? i am here with you it's gonna be alright" He said putting his other hand on my cheek

"It's gonna be alright (y/n)" He said and drove


"Which one is your favorite? this one or this?" He asked

"The one in the right" I said

"Oh this one yeah it's nice i like it too i will get it" He said putting the other one in the shelf

"Go outside and wait for me i will be quick" He said

"Wait for me here okay?" He said and went to pay i was standing outside

"Okay i am waiting" I said crossing my hands on my chest

A/n: Soryy this part is short but here you go i update after a long time ago and i hope you enjoy it and make sure to stay for the next part because it's gonna be lit 😉💕💕 i love you guys❤️

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