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"Yeah sure but don't be late the teacher will come soon" He said

"okay" she said

*Time passes*

'Why isn't she back yet?' I said in my mind

Minhyuk asked the teacher before 5 mins ago that he is going to the washroom

But he is not back too he should be here already i am already started to panic there might be something going on and i don't know

"Teacher can i please use the bathroom?" I asked

"Let the one who went come back and you can go" He said

"But it's urgent he is late and i need to use the bathroom" I said

"Okay you can go and call minhyuk when you come back with you no one should ditch my class or you will have to get punished" He said glaring at me for what? i don't know

"Okay Mr" I said and walked towards the door

"(Y/N).........(Y/N) where are you" I started shouting  in hope to find her

"(Y/N)....... answer me if you hear me"

From a distance i can see some people bulling someone in the play ground on a corner i went closer to see who it is

Boys shooting eggs on her while girls are kicking her in the stomach and legs these students have a p.e class and they are doing these"Omg wtf are you doing guys"  I shouted

All of them step aside and there i see a figure standing and watching all of these happen

"YAHHHH!!!!!!MINHYUK!!!!" I shouted and ran to give him a punch

And there goes a huge fight "Ta....ta..taehyung stop it don't do it you will end up getting punished and i don't want you to" (Y/n) said shouting while trying to get up

"No i won't look what he did to you i won't leave his
alone" I said and at that moment am talking he smacked my face

And there it started again (y/n) started to stop me and she stood up by her weak kicked legs

"Taehyung pls stop i don't want you to get punished i want you to get home with me we just have one more lesson to attend" She said leaning on me

"For the sake of you i will stop and you are not going any lesson i will take you to the hospital better than the one here" I said glaring at minhyuk and held (y/n) from her shoulders

"Loserrrr are you scared to fight me why are you running away?" I heard minhyuk shouting from behind

"Taehyung don't listen to him" She said and held my balled fist

"Okay babe i won't let's go to the hospital now" I said holding her hand

"babe can we pls go to the class and then take me to the hospital pls?" She said leaning all her weight on me

"Can you walk?" I asked


"I said can you walk?" I asked again

"Yeah i think i can"

"I will take that as a no hope up" I said getting down waiting for her to get on me

"No i really can walk" She said it's a lie

"I am waiting" I said i heard nothing but the air it was like silence for a while then she finally did get on me

"Am i heavy?" She asked

"Yeah you are i really can't handle you" I teased her

"YahHh" She smacked me on the shoulder

"I am joking you are really light" I said

"You can put me down and get the car keys i will wait here" She said ready to get down

"Yah you will never leave my side again okay you will always stay by my side yesterday someone tried to kidnap you and today minhyuk hired some people to kick and smack you with eggs no am not leaving you plus you have to take a shower because you stink with those eggs" I said teasing her again

"Yah araso don't say that i stink" She acted as if she is mad

"Neh neh don't be mad at me" I said getting her down to take the keys

"I will never get mad at you how can i and you are my hero"She flirted with me which was so cute

"Aww you just have me a heart attack" I said holding my heart area

I opened the door and got (y/n) on my back again and went upstairs and i got her to the bathroom

"Should i get your clothes and underwear?" I asked

"No i will get them my self i can walk lol" She said and ik she is lying she can but not good

"Do you want me to help you in shower?" I smirked a little bit

"Yahh pervert no thanks i will do it myself" She said crossing her chest area

"Yeah sure" I said laughing

*After a while*

Your Pov:
"Babe let's go are you ready?" He asked

"Babe are you ready?" He replied again

"Yeah am coming" I shouted back

I tried to get down stairs until taehyung saw me and came to help me

He stared at me from toe to head

"Aren't you gonna help?" I said waiting for an answer

"Y....ye..eah i am" He shattered

~In The Car~

"oppa why are you starting at me like that do i have something on my face?" I said being sarcastic

"No it's just because you look beautiful today why?" He asked

"I wear these type of clothes maybe everyday lol" I said

"No but today you look beautiful"

"let's go now" I said

*At the hospital*

"She have to stay here at least till tomorrow she need to rest too" The doctor said and walked out

"But taehyung i need to go to work" I said

"No you got to quit your job you don't need it anymore am your boyfriend and i will spend on you and your mom money" He said which was really cool

"But..." He cut me off

"No but you will have to rest okay i need to go to work today okay i have something to deal with" He said he was about to walk off but.........

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