#3: Your daughters first date

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LUKE: He went downstairs to the door with anger, a sound like a growl coming out of his throat.

You placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. "Luke." You simply said.

"I know, I know..." he said carefully, "It's just-I don't want to see her get hurt..."

You laughed a little, proud of how protective he was of your daughter. "But she's growing up now, okay? And you were once just a dorky guy at the door that my daddy didn't approve of..."

"Hey! Dorky?!" He laughed in pretend offence.

"As the day is long," you giggled. "Just...go easy on them, okay?" You leaned up for a kiss.

He nodded, and opened the door. He towered well above her boyfriend, muscles flexing intimidatingly.

"So you like my daughter, yeah?" Her date nodded. "9:00. Any later and I will castrate you."

The boy went absolutely white, and you were prepared to catch him if he fainted.

You mentally face palmed as your daughter whined, "Dadddddddd!!"

Luke took on a lovely grin like nothing had happened and patted his shoulder and ushered your daughter out of the door.

"Have a lovely time!"

MICHAEL: Michael was already intimidating, especially to the 16 year old at the door. However, he was surprisingly calm during the initial greeting, being sure that his tattoos were quite enough to fear for the young lad.

Michael stood in front of the trembling kid, towering over him, as your daughter stood in her prom dress behind him. No words were spoken as Michael nodded, moving aside to let the poor kid in.

"Y/D/N you look absolutely beautiful." He choked out, completely ignoring Michael. You smiled and pulled Michael closer, because the kid was almost like him in his actions.

He gave your daughter a rose and took her hand, and you knew Michael was surprisingly approving of him.

He let them go with only telling them their curfew, and you asked later why he hadn't blown up about the whole thing.

"Because, love," he whispered, kissing your forehead, "Because I was once the one your dad didn't approve of, and he seemed a lot like me. Plus, he didn't call her sexy, he called her beautiful, and they looked so happy together."

You smiled. You had the best husband ever. "I love you so much, you big old sappy romantic."

"Love you too, pretty girl."

CALUM: Calum was out of town when your daughter brought her date over. You had decided to keep the whole ordeal on the lowdown, because you knew that Calum would make a huge deal out of it and probably kill the kid.

Unfortunately, prom night came, and sure enough, Michael was sent by your lovely husband to put the fear of God into the poor lad shaking at the door.

Several threats, rules, curfew establishments and intimidating glares later, her terrified date was sent on his way. You felt horrible, the boy had done nothing, and yet Calum had sent Michael to tear him to pieces.

A couple hours after prom, Calum Skyped you, and you answered. "Calum, why did you feel it was necessary to emotionally scar the poor kid with the full-out fury of Michael Clifford?"

Calum smiled proudly, calling Ashton onto the screen. "ASHTON!" He yelled. "DO YOU THINK HAVING MICHAEL CLIFFORD CONFRONT Y/D/N WAS TO HARSH?"

Calum appeared onscreen, and his mouth dropped open. "You sent...you sent Michael?! What is wrong with you?! He probably killed him...oh my God...You have serious problems..."

Calum's large hand covered Ashton's face, pushing him off the bed, turning back to you.

"Were they back at curfew?"

You nodded.

"Ahh. Seems Mr. Hood has a method to his Cliffordness, eh?"

You stifled a giggle. "Really, Calum, really? Cliffordness? You're so weird."

"Yes I am," Calum smiled, "But you love me."

"I do," you replied. "But...maybe Michael was a bit much?"

"Nah," he replied. "He called me moments after he did it and said he felt awful about it!"

You both laughed, and ended the chat with several 'I love you's.'

ASHTON: Ashton worried so much about everything, but he did most of his worrying once your daughter and her date had already gone.

"What if I was to harsh? What if I ruined it for them?"

You laughed. "You only threatened him with extreme pain and death, like, oh, only 5-ish times, though, Ashy."

He laughed, the sound that you had loved from day one. You decided to take a different approach, recalling the violent and yet memorably hilarious confrontation with your father about Ashton. "Remember my daddy?"

He smiled, "Yeah, I guess I didn't call him a Leprechaun looking for your 'gold' at least...yeah, we're good."

"Yeah, Ashton, you did fine, stop worrying about it." You soothed, rubbing your palms into his shoulders, working at the knots there. "Besides, you didn't make any awful sexual and kind of stereotypical puns, either, so thank you for that."

He laughed again. "Yeah, we were both so scared-at least I was. The entire night. I remember, I brought you home 30 minutes before curfew...I was terrified."

You curled into his side at last, feeling him relax. "You did fine, Ash. I love you, and she loves him like I love you, so I think everything's okay, yeah?"

"Mhm," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "All is good. AS LONG AS HE GETS HER HOME BEFORE-"

"Ashton!" You shouted, laughing. "Calm down, babe...they have 3 hours."

He smiled. "Love ya."

"Love you too, my gold digging Leprechaun."

(A/N: I used "gold digging Leprechaun" because as we all know Ashton is half Irish


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