Chapter 2

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Walking outside we spotted about three vans, a pretty large amount this year. They might be staying with us longer than we thought. The driver from the first van stepped out and opened up the trunk, the side doors swinging open and teenagers piling out. The passenger from the first van then stepped out and headed over towards us. I assumed he was Alpha Maxwell. He looked young, but he's been Alpha for several years now; taking over from his father when he got severely ill.

"Nice to meet you, Alpha Alex, Beta Cal," he said, extending his hand to shake.

"Likewise," we chorused, shaking his hand firmly. Behind Alpha Max his pack started to unload their bags and stand awkwardly by the vans. I snickered to myself, cutting off when Alex elbowed me in the side. Ouch.

I spread my hands, my cookie now finished. "Welcome, River Pack. Alpha Alex and I are honoured to host you all for a week, and we hope your stay is comfortable. If you have any questions, you're more than welcome to ask me or Alex, or your own alpha. Our cook's name is Maude, and if she catches you stealing food from the kitchen I'm not sure we'll be able to help you" Alex elbowed me again. "Okay, ouch. Sorry. Just ask her for food if you're hungry, she'll be more than happy to help."

Alex smiled. "That about sums up everything I was going to say. Follow us, we're going to show you where you'll be staying for the next week. Tomorrow is a school day, so everyone enrolled already is expected to attend. If you have some reason for not going tomorrow, just let me or Cal know."

Stone faces. I forgot how annoying it is addressing teenagers. They never show emotion. You'd think I'd remember, being a teenage myself still. We headed inside the pack house, walking towards the west wing. We had the most rooms over on that side. The pack doctor and Alpha were in the north wing, with most of the pack in the east wing. The west wing was mostly for theses situations. As we led them to their rooms, people from our pack poked their heads out of doorways, the unmated teens glancing from face to face.

Mates were a tricky thing with werewolves. Sometimes you'd have a predestined mate, someone who would help you achieve your true self. And sometimes you didn't, sometimes you got to choose you own mate. You wouldn't be able to tell until you turned 16. If you had a predestined mate, everyone else but them will become unattractive to you. Sure you may objectively say they look good, but they won't be your type. When you spot your mate, you'll know. It'll be the one person you feel the need to date, the want.

If you don't have a predestined mate, when you turn 16 nothing will happen. Everyone will still be as attractive to you as before. That's what Alex said happened to him. I told the other's that's what happened for me too, but it was a lie. I don't know why, but I couldn't find my mate. It's like they aren't in this pack, which is highly unusual. I just wanted to find them, and I hoped they wanted to find me too.


The next morning we took the bus to school, with the rest of River Pack. Being Alpha and Beta, we made a promise to stay with the student for the most part, walking them to class and letting them know what's what. Some of the students in our pack drive their parents cars, and they give their friends rides to school. A couple brave kids shift and run to school, changing back in the woods nearby. The rest of were left to take the bus. It wasn't that fun, but it got us to school.

When we walked on, Brandon dragged Alex into the seat next to him, claiming "boy talk". Bull, I thought. He's the Alpha, and you probably want to ask about all the girls that arrived yesterday. Well jokes on you buddy, I sat in the seat behind Alice and Joanne. Alex doesn't even know all their names.

I was still wrapped up in my thoughts when a girl sat next to me. I'm pretty sure she said her name was Daisy or something yesterday. "Hey Beta Cal," she greeted. "I'm Daisy, we met yesterday?"

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