Chapter 6: Epilogue

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Cal's POV

I pushed him off me, going against everything my body was telling me to do. Instinctively, my hand came up to my mouth and I rubbed it clean. I glanced at Alex, and I watched as his facial expression went from pure joy to confusion to anger to a slab of stone, cold and hard. My thoughts were running too fast, I couldn't keep up.

It was like a tornado in my brain, two main thoughts running in opposite directions from each other, picking up other small things, like how I've always liked Alex, like how I couldn't see my future without him, like how I didn't know what was going to happen and that scared me, so incredibly much. All I could do is stare at him. It was like I was seeing him in a new light. Suddenly his face seemed strange to me, his nose a little too flat, his eyes a little too big, his lips too big.

We just stared at each other, not saying anything.

"When were you going to tell me," he said. It wasn't a question, it was a command. And I couldn't ignore a command. I felt it pulling at me, making me talk, saying things I didn't want to say.

"I don't know," the words sounded strange on my tongue, in my mouth. I always knew. "I don't think I was ready to tell you, but I would've if I had known this was going to happen."

His expression hardened even more if that was possible. "You mean the kiss."

My head shook side to side, the command still tugging in my chest. "No," I said quietly, my words barely above a whisper. "What happened to you, to your body." It was killing me, having him look at me this way. I hated it but I needed him so badly, and seeing him as a living skeleton broke my heart, shattered it.

His expression remained hard as stone, giving nothing away. "But you don't accept me, do you?" I bit my lip. I didn't know how to answer that, even though it was tugging hard at my chest. I could feel the bond trying to force me closer and closer to him until no space remained. But something else was stopping me.


Fear that I would ruin things, even though we had already kissed (and damn it was an amazing kiss), fear that I wouldn't be able to help him, fear of what this meant. I don't know why I was so scared, but I just knew that it consumed me whole, sucking everything out of me.

"I don't know what I think," I couldn't look at him. "I need time, to sort out whatever it is I'm feeling."

He snarled. "Bullshit." My eyes snapped up to his. "You don't need time, you need to stop being a pussy."

I glowered at him. "Don't fucking push me, Alex. You know I'm not a pussy, so don't try to bait me."

He gave me a cold smile. "But that's what you are. You're being a chicken, not accepting how you feel. Just admit it, you can't stand being this far away from me."

I hated how true what he said was. I could feel the sharp pain in my chest, urging me closer, but I couldn't. Not like this. I started backing up, shaking my head at him. "You have no excuse to be this rude to me,"

He snarled again. "I have every excuse. I'm practically dying!" I flinched at that and stopped moving. He was right. He was dying, and it was my fault. But I couldn't deal with my emotions right now, I needed time and space to think, to figure shit out.

I shook my head sadly and turned around heading for the door. That's when he struck. I should have known he would do something like this. Maybe I did know, and that's why I let it happen. Maybe I am weak. Weak for him.

He grabbed my shoulders roughly and shoved me up against the wall, his mouth descending onto mine. The air in my lungs came rushing out, leaving my lips hanging wide open for him. How does he manage to do this to me? One single touch and I was melting, becoming nothing more than a puddle at his feet. I found myself kissing him back, and I cursed myself for being so weak.

I whimpered under him and felt him smirk. The bastard was loving everything about this, of fucking course. I struggled at first, trying to push him off me again, but somehow I just ended up with my hands on his chest, sighing into him. The kiss continued until I was gasping for breath, but it didn't stop there. He left a trail of tingles across my face, leading down to my jaw and then further down to my neck.

I let out quiet moans, softly filling the air. I felt light-headed. I felt his teeth scrape my skin and it went straight to my groin, and suddenly I couldn't think. I needed this. I needed him. Just as quickly as this had started, it ended. He just rested his head on my neck, breathing deeply. My hands slid down his chest and around his sides to wrap around his back. I gripped his shirt tightly, feeling bone through the thin material.

"Never leave me," he whispered.

"I promise."


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